
Well Known Member
Ah, the joys of a lush green grass runway. A cool spring evening. Still, calm air.

Except for the one issue that may keep me from getting the RV out tonight...




This is our runway last night. Almost 3.5 inches of rain yesterday. Like I said, otherwise it was a nice nice to fly.
Maybe a little canoeing, instead.:D
NOTAM - Runway is condition is unverified. Use at your own risk. Standing water may be present. Surface may be soft and unstable.
Your photos immediately reminded me that hydroplaning can occur at a speed of 9 times the square root of your tire pressure. In this case, I don't think it matters, though... :D
Didn't Bill Woods land his ultralight on that runway when it looked about like that one time.....? If my memory serves, he got VERY wet!


Floats may be overkill, skis could be rigged up pretty quick. They are brought up on here with regularity in the winter......

Is Lake Lanier filled up yet?
All our lakes are filled over the top - except Lanier. Too many Atlantans and South Alabama snail darters drinking out of it, I guess!

If you look closely in the picture, you'll see that there as actually a current on some portions of the runway. Land upstream, I suppose! :eek:
Water on the runway

I actually saw a 172 land on that field with about as much water. The landing looked like a roostertail from a boat . The turn around and take off was aborted when he recognized that the 172 just wasn't going to over come the drag of that water. The 172 remained in the hanger overnight.