
VAF Moderator / Line Boy
I am probably missing something incredibly obvious, and hate to bother Dynon with something trivial - so I'll just bother all 7,000 members of VAF with the question! :p

I think I read somewhere in the latest manual that version 4.0 firmware allows it to display current % Power based on RPM, MAP, altitude, temp, GRT does this, and I've virtually forgotten how to set power without it - but I can't figure out how/where it is displayed. Trying to customize Mikey's displays now that most everything is working.

Anybody have that figured out that can share the answer?

Hmmmm....I actually thought I'd done that - but it may have been on the first D180, and I didn't do it on the second (replacement) one. I'll have to check that page again!
I use % Power Exclusively as well

and I've virtually forgotten how to set power without it


I agree. I do not have a Dynon but have a Flight Data Recorder in my -6A. It calculates (or more accurately it looks up) % power. When I have it on any other display I have to get it scrolled back to the % Power to adjust the throttle.
We're pretty proud of the way we calculate % power on our EMSes. In contrast to a lot of other approaches, which are sometimes estimates, we integrate all of the data required so that that you would get the same number you'd end up with if you walked your finger across a Lycoming % power chart.

The flip side of being accurate is the requirement to have all of the following coming into your Dynon: OAT, altitude (this can come from GPS or an EFIS), RPM, and MAP.

All of the above is NEEDED to accurately calculate % power anywhere on the rich side of peak. If you're missing any of the above data items, your % power calculation is often going to be wrong. For example, omitting altitude from the calculation can have a 20-30% effect on % power in the typical RV flight envelope.

You can technically run our % power with just those above data items, but the calculation will not be correct on the lean side of peak. . If you have the optional fuel flow sensor to the mix, our % power calculation will be valid on both sides of peak, and the EMS will also let you know you which side of peak you're on at any given time.

To troubleshoot your problem, make sure you have ALL of those required data bits available and that they're valid. Also make sure you have the engine type set to 8.5:1 under the Global EMS setup, and your engine's rated HP in there as well. After that, the % power number should show up numerically next to the tach reading.
Customer Service

Paul... now you can see the difference between customer support folks and an engineer...:D

The polite Dynon folks just repeated the page 6-3 from the manual instead of using the RT(F)M expression...:)

gil A - ex-engineering department...

Yup - I tell all my young engineers that technical skills are most important early in their career - if they want to advance, they have to learn how to communicate and work with other people....


Yup - I tell all my young engineers that technical skills are most important early in their career - if they want to advance, they have to learn how to communicate and work with other people....


One of the most succesful persons I know is an engineer and one of the many things he told me that I have found to be true even in my profession (definately not engineering) is that the key to success and life is communication and most importantly, building relationships. And to top it off, he must be REALLY smart, he flies an RV!
