
Ok the cat is out of the bag....
Iphone 2.0 on monday 6/9/08 will have TRUE GPS in it... with WAAS... (according to the chipset specs by the manufacturer)
Also new Iphone software 2.0 (for old Iphones) will allow use of Bluetooth GPS receivers... So says the current developer kit that apple put out.

How many would be interested in moving map GPS software for the Iphone 2.0 or the original iphone with a bluetooth GPS receiver hockey puck.

The possibilties to me seem endless... I'm not going to disclose everything I am working on, but.... Would people be interested in a downloadable app for their iphone, and use it as a portable GPS for aviation?

Perhaps even with using the 3G or EDGE network to download latest TFR's JUST BEFORE you take off, perhaps updates in flight (IF you get cell reception).

What would it HAVE to have?
obviously standard VFR sectional stuff... how about Terrain? TFR's? Weather? HITS? Synthetic Vision? Wind? Metars? downloadable database updates over the 3G network? (get the latest database before you take off?)
Approach Charts?

Before I dump a ton of $$$ and work into this, I wanted to ask you guys.. as the EXP market are truely the leaders.

BTW I am a PP ASEL...
IPhone 2.0

I have been waiting for version 2 to come out. Glad to hear it will have GPS. If it is workable in the cockpit, I think it could make a great app. I would like the capability to display IFR data along with a basic moving map. Not sure about screen size, though.
Would the app only run on jailbroken iphones?

I'm hoping to put something more along the lines of a linux based system on the passenger side. A small lcd and itx form factor board would be nice...
Iphones are (or will) be "Jailbroken" by apple..... V2 software for the 1st gen phones, and 3rd party apps are working for the new iphone...
Apple has released a Developers Kit (SDK) for developing the applications even, so no need to "break" your phone...

Apple charges a hefty price to develop apps for the iphone. But 3rd party apps will be available (most likely within the next month or so)...

I'm basically looking at doing the functionality of stuffing a 496 (with upgradable features in the future) into an iphone. Allow the user to specify landscape or portrait view.
Here's quick photoshop cut and paste....


iphone app

I think it would be great. I walked into ATT store today for grins and asked them if they were getting in new iPhones Monday--they looked at me as if I were from Mars--said they had heard nothing!!!! lbb
The combination of features make the iPhone possible where CE were not.

Here is what I would like to see. It might give you some ideas.

1.) 496 on the iPhone for sure with some cool things like a.) quick touch to enable/disable the buttons for the GPS (just like the ipod play, stop, pause features for video), b.) touch and drag to pan around the map as one does with Google maps on the iphone c.)Pinch zoom for the GPS.

2.) Audio warnings like the 496 which could be outputed from the iPhone in the usual way and sent through the music port in the aircraft, or via bluetooth if you have the new PS9000EX audio panel.

3.) Another feature such as PDF's saved to the iPhone which I believe 2.0 will support, so you can show downloaded IFR plates on the iPhone with the clarify technology the iPhone is famous for. I would like to be able to download the plate (s) for my destination plus my alternate and get prompted to show it as I get close (add a button to the button menu which shows up with quick touch. (show within 30 miles)

One thing to remember when you compare to the Pocket PC and to the iPhone. The iphone is great because its simple. It does not have all the features of the smartphone, but the features it does have work fluidly and seamlessly. In my mind your GPS app requires one big thing. A PC based APP that allows you to preset your settings for the GPS prior to takeoff, even add your flightplans, choose IFR plates, charts, METARS to refresh when signal is available etc. If you can do that prior to leaving home, then you don't have to click around so much when you get in the plane. Sure, it might be possible in the plane, but also via an app and a simulator. This is what hurts anywhere map in my view and where the iPhones simplicity could be a win here.

Hope this helps,

Here is what I would like to see. It might give you some ideas.

1.) 496 on the iPhone for sure with some cool things like a.) quick touch to enable/disable the buttons for the GPS (just like the ipod play, stop, pause features for video), b.) touch and drag to pan around the map as one does with Google maps on the iphone c.)Pinch zoom for the GPS.

2.) Audio warnings like the 496 which could be outputed from the iPhone in the usual way and sent through the music port in the aircraft, or via bluetooth if you have the new PS9000EX audio panel.

Of-course use the pinch, and drag to navigate the screen... why re-invent the wheel?, when apple, and the iphone provide that feature for you as a developer to use. So thats a given... and already implemented :)
For example, tap on the airport icon on the map, and it brings up another screen with freq/alt/rwy patterns, perhaps another tap for the taxi diagram or approach plate...

Audio alerts, should be easy, but haven't got to programing iphone audio yet... I believe this should be do-able.

It will be syncable to OSX mac's (as all iphones are), not sure about PC's... I don't really see the huge need to pre-program flightplans on another computer since the iphone is already with you everywhere (assuming its your phone too) you can pre-program everything on the phone... save flightplans, reverse them etc... Defintaly a simulator mode, or some kinda GPS disconnect mode.

BTW the iphone is the same resolution as the 496 just in a smaller form factor.
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The rumor mills are running...

With Steve Jobs speaking at the Apple Developers Conference in SF on Monday, there's tons of speculation.

The iphone rumors are pretty consistent that GPS will be included in the new phone, along with 3G (high speed) networking, increased processor speeds, and added features like video conferencing. Anyone want to duct tape their new iPhone to their vertical stabilizer and broadcast live inflight video to VAF? :eek:

For you programmers out there, check out the Apple iPhone Software Developers kit - For $99 you can develop applications for the iPhone and sell them at a new Apple online store. For pilots, this web site has been posted at VAF earlier and has been running for a while.

Another rumor is that Steve J will announce an Apple tablet device (aka Newton 2008) on Monday. That wouldn't really be surprising because the iPhone is pretty much at tablet computer already.
The navmonster thing is pretty cool... I did see the iphoneavionics website no idea what they plan on doing with that... EFIS using the iphone accelerometers seems a bit different to me, perhaps it will work with the GPS data to cross ref. It doesn't have AHRS in it obviously so isn't the same...

Doing a vector based moving map is a WHOLE different monster than liking to outside data resources like weather and skyvector...
Love my iphone and would be interested in your product, but...

... my iphone interferes something fierce with my comm radio if I forget to turn it off in flight. No other cell phone has ever done this. Iphone seems to interfere with any nearby AM/FM radio, computer speakers etc. Do you have any ideas to get around this?

Did you try turning off the iphone wireless? (airplane mode?) and it still causes RF????

Uh, um, uh, no. Never really occurred to me, but sounds like a good idea. I'll try it next time out (this morning, wx permitting) and report back.

Wouldn't that kind of defeat the purpose though, if you had to disable Edge (or 3G coming soon) to make it work?

Still intrigued by the idea though.
OK, finally got a chance to test...

I tested the iphone/ radio interference on the ground and in flight, and I observed the same behavior both ways. In airplane mode the phone does not cause any interference. However, in normal mode, it causes a distinct hum in the audio when trying to make a call or access the Edge network. The hum is a different tone depending; the Edge tone is slightly higher frequency than the "phone" tone.

I get the same effect if I lay my iphone on my desk with my computer speakers on.

Don't know if this is of any help but it's what I observed. I am still intrigued by your idea.
Data network doesn't need to be "on" in the new iphone, it has a TRUE GPS receiver. so should be able to write into the software to turn "off" the EDGE or 3G network.... or just leave it up to the user, to enter "airplane mode" when they get into their airplane! :) I'm guessing the new iphone would only last 2-3 hours running GPS all the time, so you'd probly want to cig lighter it. I'm waiting in line like everyone else till the 11th to get mine to test everything out.

Thanks for checking sprucemoose, I had a feeling it wouldn't cause interfierence if EDGE network was off... My AT&T crackberry, makes my speakers in my recording studio go berzerk, and headsets in airplanes go bananas too. My studio is SUPER GROUNDED, x1000 so it really has nothing to do with the wiring the cell junk just cracks out the signal!
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I have AT&T phones and have noticed the interference you speek of, but it's not only the iphone my wifes nokia dose it worse than my iphone. I beleieve it is something with the AT&T network.
Had it happen on two different phones .. two networks


I have AT&T phones and have noticed the interference you speek of, but it's not only the iphone my wifes nokia dose it worse than my iphone. I beleieve it is something with the AT&T network.

I have had this happen (noise when near computer or near car radio) with both a Nokia phone and an iPhone. One is on the SunCom network. The iPhone is on AT&T. There is some sharing (or was in the past) of the network as SunCom sometimes piggy-backed on AT&T.

They are both **GSM** phones. That is the common denominator I find.
AT & T

Good data point Gregg.

FWIW- I have owned two other cell phones during the past 4+ years of flying the Moose (plus numerous pax phones in their pockets.) A Verizon phone by Nokia and a Sprint by Motorola. Neither caused any problems.