
Do any other owners or builders in our community have experience with Penn Yan?

They just extended their warranty on engines (including experimental) to three years, parts and labor, worldwide. Their website says, "That's it. If you've got a problem, we'll fix it. No loopholes, no double talk, no small print."

I'm currently finishing a Berkut, and am about to order an IO-540, planning first flight by December. I plan to fly it a lot, including internationally, so this no-restrictions warranty seems very appealing. Does anyone have any experience with their builds and support?
Penn Yan

Yep, quite a bit of experience. Mostly very positive, particularly in the last 5 years. before that, big problems with them.

We have had 2 engines redone by them, plus prop strikes, all are still running, all are well past TBO. (NJ based flying club)

You should be pleased with their rebuild work.

Now any Cessna 172 with the "original" SuperHawk Frankenstein conversion of the O-320-H2AD to a O-360-D2A (I think it was a D2A) -- that is a complete cluster, aw you know what I was going to say.

Very efficient guys, but they are in the engine business, you aren't gonna be friends.