
Well Known Member
Hi Guys,

The Pelican's Peak articles by John Deakin seem to have been removed from avweb.com Where can one review them now?
It says "some content is temporarily not available." I know they've been having issues lately with cyber attacks and are working on moving their stuff to a new provider or something like that. Hopefully all the content will be restored soon, those Deakin articles are gold.

In the meantime, you can still get to some of the old articles via the web archive. For example, here's an old AvWeb page listing all of Deakin's piston-related articles: https://web.archive.org/web/2015102...b.com/news/pelican/182544-1.html?redirected=1

Basically, if you can figure out the web address of an article (they still come up in Google searches for me), you can input that here and see if they have an archived version somewhere. It's a bit sluggish, but better than nothing.
AvWeb and Kitplanes are owned by the same company (Belvoir Publications), so I work pretty closely with them, and yes - they have been having some huge web site issues following a DNS attack. They’re workign on it, and understand the frustration this brings to readers - and you can imagine the frustration it brings to the editorial staff (who are as much victims of the back-office web stuff as the readers).... but we are all assured that it is being worked.

Nothing has been lost - it just can’t be accessed right now. And no one can comment on Bertorelli’s pithy editorials.....
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... And no one can comment on Bertorelli?s pithy editorials.....

I miss the old days of Avweb where the editorials and articles were much snarkier. That was entertaining reading. Bertorelli is tame in comparison.

Speaking of edgy aviation writing, what happened to Martha Lunken at Flying magazine? Seems she's disappeared without any traces.

To add some RV content, there is an article in the current edition of Flying about buying a used experimental if anyone is interested.
To add some RV content, there is an article in the current edition of Flying about buying a used experimental if anyone is interested.

To add a snarky comment, if I hadn?t already purchased an RV7A from its builder the above referenced article would have made me seriously question whether a used home built aircraft was a sensible choice. It said a number of positive things about experimental AB airplanes, but there were enough ?qualifiers? (I thought) to send many folks running in a different direction.

His one comment that totally stood out (to me anyway) was ?Homebuilts, like children, aren?t for everyone. They can be both troubling and rewarding.?

Frankly, my wife and I have two grown sons and they?ve made our life totally rewarding. Didn?t like the article.