No disrespect here at all, but the South Vietnamese pilot's I trained (early 70's), used 2x4 blocks and rubber bands. They never had any complaints at all. Far as I can remember, that solution worked very well with no unsafe issues at all.
Another thing to think about, I have a short instep, am about five ft 7. I could not reach the full rudder travel or the brakes. I installed another hinge half two inches forward of the original two. MUCH more comfortable seating position for me with a big belly - and I can reach the pedals just fine. Same difference as stretching your legs 2 inches. I have done this on both of my 12s, and the seating is very comfortable.
My youngest daughter wants to learn to fly and I am considering teaching her in the 12. The pedals are too far away for her short legs. Has anyone used vans pedal extensions? If so, what did you think?
I built these out of scrap aluminum pieces I had laying around to teach my wife to land the RV7 in an emergency. Attached securely with zip ties they work good. Now if I could get her excited about practicing!


Pedal Extensions

Hi Dave12

I'm 5'8" and have flown my RV12 with and without the Rudder Pedal Extensions sold by Vans. I find it much easier to transition between use of brakes and rudder with the extensions. They're well made and very simple to install/remove (no tools needed).

Hi Mike, The photos didn't show up. It would be interesting to see what you did.
No disrespect here at all, but the South Vietnamese pilot's I trained (early 70's), used 2x4 blocks and rubber bands. They never had any complaints at all. Far as I can remember, that solution worked very well with no unsafe issues at all.

There is at least one fatality related to using rudder pedal extensions that I know of - Vicky Cruise, the world class aerobatic pilot.

I haven't seen the extensions from Vans, but would definitely discourage the use of something cobbled together.
There is at least one fatality related to using rudder pedal extensions that I know of - Vicky Cruise, the world class aerobatic pilot.

I haven't seen the extensions from Vans, but would definitely discourage the use of something cobbled together.

Thank you, my point exactly. I would love to find someone that has used a set.
Interested as well. Not a big fan of putting anything near the pedals.

Height doesn't seem like it really matters, inseam is probably a better indication of the need for something.

29" and in Tomkk's -12 with the seat in the forward position, I did not feel comfortable that I could use the brakes effectively. I did feel ok with the rudder stop to stop. Tom set me up with a 1" thick pad to move me forward that came from Abby and it was perfect.
I have the Van's extensions and they are great. Very strong, solid and secure. They are bolted on and I never have to worry that they will fall off or loosen.
I have the Van's extensions and they are great. Very strong, solid and secure. They are bolted on and I never have to worry that they will fall off or loosen.

Are they bolted by design? How long does it take to get them off? Thanks.
My extensions, purchased from Vans in 2016, clamp onto the pedals. Clamping force comes from an integral spring (really hard to explain!). I've used them for 80+ hours without any concerns or loosening. I suspect moving the seat back/cushion forward would produce the same effect.
My extensions, purchased from Vans in 2016, clamp onto the pedals. Clamping force comes from an integral spring (really hard to explain!). I've used them for 80+ hours without any concerns or loosening. I suspect moving the seat back/cushion forward would produce the same effect.

Thanks Barry. Are they quickly removed or will removal require wrenching?
I use the ones Vans sells. I think they are great. They did come off once before I learned to not put too much pressure on the bottom of the pedal.
RV-12 Rudder Pedal Install

I purchased Van's RV-12 rudder pedal extensions and don't understand how to install. A video would be really nice.
Aerosport Products Solution

We offer rudder pedal extensions at Aerosport Products. We 3D print them on our industrial HP Multi-jet Fusion 3D Printer out of PA12 Nylon. This is a real-deal machine that prints in production material, not the toys that most people seem to be amazed by. We can make them as large as you would like and can also customize them with N-number or whatever else you would like. Feel free to contact me for more info.

More info on the printer that we have. If you have any other projects, we would love to help.

[email protected]

We offer rudder pedal extensions at Aerosport Products. We 3D print them on our industrial HP Multi-jet Fusion 3D Printer out of PA12 Nylon. This is a real-deal machine that prints in production material, not the toys that most people seem to be amazed by. We can make them as large as you would like and can also customize them with N-number or whatever else you would like. Feel free to contact me for more info.

More info on the printer that we have. If you have any other projects, we would love to help.

[email protected]


Nice looking parts, but this thread is in the RV-12 forum.
The extensions being talked about are for an entirely different purpose and fit on an entirely different rudder pedal design.
I 3D printed a set of RV-12 extensions based on the original RV-12 F1290 rudder pedal block design. Same mounting and dims as the original, just extended 1" in length. The photo shows the original block and 1" extension. Final design, after 3 prototype sets, ended up at a 3/4" extension to get full pedal travel for me. They are printed with NylonX (nylon with carbon fiber) and have the same weight as the original blocks. I also designed and printed up a set of matching blocks for the brake pedal to extend them with the 1" extension blocks. They were not really needed with the final 3/4" extension blocks.

John Salak
RV-12 N896HS

Van's does not sell RV-12 pedal extensions now

Van's does not produce rudder pedal extensions for the RV-12, they discontinued them. Does anyone have a set they would like to sell? Or, does someone have drawings or pictures of the pedals?
I have seen several other versions but would like to see what Van's extensions looked like.
Van's does not produce rudder pedal extensions for the RV-12, they discontinued them. Does anyone have a set they would like to sell? Or, does someone have drawings or pictures of the pedals?
I have seen several other versions but would like to see what Van's extensions looked like.

Check your pm?s
Customized at $100 per pedal?

Contacted you guys yesterday. For one custom pedal extension, $100 plus the cost of the pedals. Sorry, that's not even close to wanting to help.

We offer rudder pedal extensions at Aerosport Products. We 3D print them on our industrial HP Multi-jet Fusion 3D Printer out of PA12 Nylon. This is a real-deal machine that prints in production material, not the toys that most people seem to be amazed by. We can make them as large as you would like and can also customize them with N-number or whatever else you would like. Feel free to contact me for more info.

More info on the printer that we have. If you have any other projects, we would love to help.

[email protected]

maybe mold the extension around both the horizontal and vertical bar using a snap fit and add molded clamps?
i just received rv12 pedal extensions f1290a/1290b and cannot find anywhere what hardware is needed to mount them.

N603 NH