
Legacy Member
Pierre invited Nora and I down to join them for an EAA chapter fly-in at Pea Patch, GA (61GA). Any place with a name like that is a place I had to visit.

Click on the picture to read about the place. It was very windy and when you look at the pictures, notice how far off the the right the nose is pointing on final.

Pierre, it was good to finally meet you, your wife, and the rest of the gang from South Georgia. It was a bummer we got there late and couldn't visit longer. Nora and Torque, the Wonder Dog, had a good time.
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Thanks to you guys...

......for coming and bringing a mini airshow as well:)

March 8th is our next meeting and woooohooo...catfish fry! 12:30p.m.

BTW...for all EAA chapters having nightly/weekday meetings, consider switching to either Saturday or Sunday afternoons. When we switched from Thursday evenings to Saturday afternoons, attendance musta tripled! Plus there were/are now airplanes flying in...bunches of them. No one is tired from a long day's work and no kids to get off to bed...etc.

Hi Sid....

....it's so-so smooth but I've been in there dozens of times with my -6A and others have as well and never damaged a wheelpant. It's 61GA with a 2600' runway. It's easier to land going north as well and take off going south. Just watch for a tower a little northeast of the strip...it's basically in the traffic pattern. 122.7 CTAF.

This is a breakfast meeting, 9:00 a.m., weather permitting.

The breakfast is exactly what I'm thinking. A different set of airplanes and people for breakfast isn't a bad thing every now and then.