
Well Known Member
I have a PCU 5000X prop governor that has performed flawlessly for nearly 11 years and 1100 hours on my IO-540-C4B5 three blade MT combination. I am getting ready to do the condition inspection and wondered if I should consider having this governor overhauled at some point? I had the prop overhauled 3 years ago but did not think about doing the governor at that time. Thoughts?
The PCU5000X is a Jihostroj governor and here's what they have to say about overhaul:

"When good operating practices are observed the governor assembly will require complete overhaul only at regular engine overhaul time. Engine oil changes at frequent periods will greatly extend the useful life of the governor and engine. The propeller and engine manufacturers lubrication and service instructions are important in maintaining satisfactory propeller, engine, and governor operation.
Tightness and security of all external screws, nuts and levers must be checked as a part of each routine engine check. Normal periodic overhaul requires that the piston engine governor be completely disassembled at engine overhaul time. Propeller governor overhaul is a major repair and must be performed by a qualified governor shop or the unit has to be returned to the factory for exchange. All factory overhauled governors are zero time units and carry the same warranty as a new unit."

Here's the link:
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