Well Known Member
Gov is leaking. Local shop said $1200 to overhaul. Need gov to fly next week. $1200 seems costly? Anyone have recent experience overhauling gov and relative cost?

Suggestions on a shop to use?


I used West Coast Governor Service

I used Dan Long at West Coast Governor Service last year... it was just over 800 with shipping and a quick turnaround.
Doubting you can have an OH'd gov back in time to fly next week unless you go with the local, expensive OH house. Overnight shipping will close that cost gap pretty significantly.

An option if you really gotta go =
Buy a new Jihostroj gov which is reportedly the Czech governor that is re-labeled to PCU. New is ~$1500 last I saw. Good chance WW or others have it on the shelf. OH the old at a more reasonable price/time frame and sell here.

Just a thought if you really need to fly next week. Good luck
+1 re: Dan (so far)

I used Dan Long at West Coast Governor Service last year... it was just over 800 with shipping and a quick turnaround.

First, thanks "schristo" for the reference.

I just had a really NICE conversation with Dan (the owner).

I am about to send to him a NEW MT governor for checkout (I have had it for some time) and when I get it back send in the one I have with about 2000 hours for overhaul based on our conversation.
[Finishing up RV6A project that I started years ago. Sent the "new" engine back to AeroSport Power to make sure that it was still "new". It is now on the project waiting for me to hang the prop.]

And I will be shipping from East Coast to West Coast after having made a lot of calls for such.