Well Known Member
Have tried everything to get my PC to communicate with the d180.
I am using a laptop with a 232 com which I use to download data from my JP instruments edm-700 engine monitor. So I don't think it is a problem with the PC. How do I go about checking the 232 wiring to the d180?

DB9 Connector

I'm not familiar with the 232 Com you mention. I communicate with my Dynon D180 by using the DB9 connector provided in the Dynon's wiring and the supplied DB9 to USB cable provided with the instruments.

I customized slightly by extending the length of the Dynon's DB9 connector to reach below the instrument panel and then purchased a six foot DB9 extension cable to allow the PC's connection outside of the cockpit.

Serial port

Where on your RV-12 is the serial data port located? It was located in the center tunnel on early kits. But later avionics kits locate the serial port on the back of the Dynon. In that case, the port in the tunnel is not connected to anything and can not be used.
Joe Gores
RS-232 is the standard for the electrical characteristics of serial communication. DB-9 is the specification for the normal 9-pin connector. I believe Gary is saying he is using a DB-9 port on his laptop for the RS-232 serial communication to the Dynon D180.


I have a 9-232 connector located in the tunnel. Never heard about a change to the back of the d180 unit.
Will call van's and check on that.

Be careful to follow the Dynon Support instructions to the letter. It seems to be important to make all the connections in the right order. I have a D100 and D120 on my 7 and was completely frustrated until someone pointed this out. Now I have no difficulty getting the PC to talk to the magic stuff.
Joe you were correct.

Thanks Joe,

You had the answer. I have a db9-232 in the tunnel as well as in the avionics bay, behind the D180.
Some where along the line I mist the update about abandoning the tunnel connection.
I have to say that this is one of my complaints (probably the only) about the docs from Van's. They send out a revised drawing without any comment as to what the revision is about! Which forces you to read each step and figure to verify where the change was made.
As an architect/engineer that is a very poor practice.
Would not work in contracting.
