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Just saw Paul Dye (Ironflight) on NASA TV. He was comming on shift and the announcer pointed him out. Kind of neat to see someone you know on TV.:D
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Glad someone is watching Mannan!;)

Me and my Iron Team will be there every night - tune in again and watch as we continue to build the ISS!

BTW, what day is it?:)


Glad someone is watching Mannan!;)

Me and my Iron Team will be there every night - tune in again and watch as we continue to build the ISS!

BTW, what day is it?:)


"Day" is an earth bound concept..Your measure of time has much more to do with relativity than anything else...:)

I have my bi yearly appointment with high school kids to expalind E=MC squared coming up....Cause me to scratch my head for a couple of weeks until I get it..:)



I watch it on Ch. 376 on Direct TV. Since I filmed such activity for years at Vandenberg AFB, CA., I find it interesting.

PS: Paul, you need to find a brighter color for your lunch cooler!
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