Thanks for the heads up Joe. Watching the briefing right now. Had no idea an RVer was pretty much running the show for the launch. Wow! Congrats Paul...ya done good!
Docking tomorrow at about 0540 tomorrow morning (CDT) - tune in to watch the ULTIMATE formation join up!
Well, I missed the briefing but I was out RVating <g>. Looking fwd to the docking, Paul !

I think you should sneak Valkyrie into the cargo hold...take a couple of laps around the space station. You would certainly quallify for a high altitude rating and probably post better than Van's numbers.

Seriously..congratulations. I am in awe with our space program.
Ironflight said:
Docking tomorrow at about 0540 tomorrow morning (CDT) - tune in to watch the ULTIMATE formation join up!

This is related to nothing and just out of sheer curioscity... would they let you take a shot of your plane next to the shuttle? On the ground of course. :)

Seems like it would make for the ultimate virutal hangar or trading card posting.