Sunriver Ken

Well Known Member
Hi guys,

What indicated airspeeds are you using for base, final and short final (given light, down the runway winds)?
100 mph abeam numbers, pull all power, start flaps down below 100 mph and they end up full down (I typically don't use partial flaps)
stabilize at 80 mph, turn base
decrease to 70-72, turn final
over the fence at 62-65

Numbers are approximate but are decent target numbers. Note I have a FP prop and live at 5000 ft (though this shouldn't matter, but I seem to always float further at lower altitude in that thick air). I also try to fly a fairly tight pattern (2-3000 ft laterally from runway)

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Airspeed is airspeed! The only diff. is your ground speed will be higher at the higher altitude airports.

There are lots of threads on this subect, try doing a search.

For me, it is simple. Solo, 90 MPH on downwind. Abeam the numbers pull the power to idle, put in all the flaps and trim for 65 MPH. My goal is to not touch the throttle until I have to taxi. Two up or with a load, I use 70 MPH.

No powere or flap adjustments on base or final makes landing real easy. This also means you are going to fly a tight pattern.
Thanks for the info on airspeeds. How does a person search only on the RV-9/9A site? Don't you love these easy questions?
Thanks for the info on airspeeds. How does a person search only on the RV-9/9A site? Don't you love these easy questions?

Select "Search", "Advanced Search", then there is a list of all the sections, pick one. In addition, there are a lot of other search options.

Good luck.