
Well Known Member
I drilled a 3" hole in the rear baffle, slopped some proseal along the inside rear baffle where the 3 rivets were leaking, cut a 4" round peice of .032 to patch it.... So whats the best way to go about this? Seems to me that solid pop rivets would be the cleanest method. Thought about platenuts and screws, only problem I see is there is only ~3/8" material on all sides of the patch that will overlap to the baffle. Seems kinda cramped for platenuts, countersinking, and screws... Plus i'd really like to minimize the amount of metal shavings that get lost into the tank... its already going to take some flushing from cutting the 3" hole...
Would a couple of s/s self tapping sheet metal screws do the job ? The pro seal will also be holding the plate.
I got the same job comming up. My quickbuild tanks are faulty/leaky so I need to cut open and fix.

Do you ever want acess through this hole again?
If you think you might why not make it an access plate. Copy the way the end plates are fitted. First put a reinforcing ring inside the tank which can have the platenuts fitted to it then screw on the cover with lots of proseal.
(see drwaing 16a)


PS Self tapping srews would be a big NO. Just asking for trouble.

Do you ever want acess through this hole again?
If you think you might why not make it an access plate. Copy the way the end plates are fitted. First put a reinforcing ring inside the tank which can have the platenuts fitted to it then screw on the cover with lots of proseal.
(see drwaing 16a)


PS Self tapping srews would be a big NO. Just asking for trouble.

To be honest, I hope to never open this tank again! :D That being said, what is the chance of having to re-open it? I dont have enough .032 scrap to make anything bigger than a 4" hole, so it'd have to sit till I order some...
Well guys, here is my fix.... Hope this is acceptable, cause its a done deal!! I ended up using AD-41H sealed blind rivets. Overall Im happy with the results. After I cut it open, I looked in to see where the leak was but saw nothing! No break in the proseal, nada. The "bead" that was formed between the tank skin and the rear baffle looked really nice. Anyway, I smeared a fillet inside, and closed it up. Hopefully I can be done with this tank.



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That should work just fine. That's the way we did the covers when we stripped out the slosh compound a few years ago. We actually used a few more rivets, but I think yours will be fine.
BTW, when you hang the US Flag vertically, the star field goes on the viewer's left.
That should work just fine. That's the way we did the covers when we stripped out the slosh compound a few years ago. We actually used a few more rivets, but I think yours will be fine.
BTW, when you hang the US Flag vertically, the star field goes on the viewer's left.

:eek: I'll change it when I get home today! Thanks Mel! :)
That should work just fine. That's the way we did the covers when we stripped out the slosh compound a few years ago. We actually used a few more rivets, but I think yours will be fine.
BTW, when you hang the US Flag vertically, the star field goes on the viewer's left.

I usually hate it when somebody "nitpicks" a post, but that is a very worthy "nitpick". Way to go!:D
Sorry to be nit-picky.

I usually hate it when somebody "nitpicks" a post, but that is a very worthy "nitpick". Way to go!:D

But, flag etiquette is one of my "things".
I have a flag that was flown over the U.S. Capitol on 9/11/2008.
But, flag etiquette is one of my "things".
I have a flag that was flown over the U.S. Capitol on 9/11/2008.

Didn't know to be honest. :eek: Pretty cool on the flag over the US Capitol! I have one that was flown on the Arizona Memorial @ Pearl Harbor... we went down there with a military youth group and they allowed us to raise 50 US flags on the memorial to give to the cadets. Pretty neat.
Well guys, here is my fix.... Hope this is acceptable, cause its a done deal!! I ended up using AD-41H sealed blind rivets. Overall Im happy with the results. After I cut it open, I looked in to see where the leak was but saw nothing! No break in the proseal, nada. The "bead" that was formed between the tank skin and the rear baffle looked really nice. Anyway, I smeared a fillet inside, and closed it up. Hopefully I can be done with this tank.




Looks good. Just one question. Did you put a small amount of proseal on the flat side of head before popping them? What about the sides of those mounting brackets?
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Looks good. Just one question. Did you put a small amount of proseal on the flat side of head before popping them? What about the sides of those mounting brackets?

Yes, I did. But now u have me worried about the Z brackets, cause I didnt put proseal between them and the baffle. I did put proseal between the rear rib flanges and the baffle... but not the bracket and the baffle... :( I dont recall seeing it leak tho, then again, not sure I sprayed the brackets down real well.... man, Im so screwed if those leak. :mad:
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Yes, I did. But now u have me worried about the Z brackets, cause I didnt put proseal between them and the baffle. :( I dont recal seeing it leak tho, then again, not sure I sprayed the brackets down real well.... man, Im so screwed if those leak. :mad:

Naw, I think you'll be OK, if it leaks at the brackets a fillet around where the brackets meet the baffle will probably take care of it. It might be a good idea to seal around there anyway, even if you can't see a leak.

I think all this badness is happening because you leapfrogged my progress :p I remember being ahead of you a few months ago but you passed me. I'm hoping to get my 2nd tank finished up this weekend.
Yes, I did. But now u have me worried about the Z brackets, cause I didnt put proseal between them and the baffle. I did put proseal between the rear rib flanges and the baffle... but not the bracket and the baffle... :( I dont recall seeing it leak tho, then again, not sure I sprayed the brackets down real well.... man, Im so screwed if those leak. :mad:

The sealed blinds are holding the rid flanges, baffle and brackets together. Leaks can occur from the shop head along the rivet and come out between the baffle and the brackets. The fact you are seeing leak may be because you had enough proseal between the flanges and the baffle. When you pop the rivet the proseal expended and sealing the rivet shaft. You can never be sure though.