
Active Member
Folks, pleeeaaase help me out. I need to find one or two RV builder/future pilot-types/relatives to ride to LOE from central Texas next weekend.

I have been so looking forward (for 10 months!) to showing off my "new" panel at LOE this year. Then, last week, Paul was offered a fancy, new version of some of the GRT stuff that the Valkyrie is always showing off and suddenly he decided that the Val was going to LOE this year. She got to go last year and this year was supposed to be my turn! :mad: I've begged Louise to take me, too, but she says it is wasteful to take two planes unless we can find a passenger or two to fill the empty seats. Why are moms always so practical? It just isn't fair!:(

So, I beg you. Louise says I can go if I find some RV-type (or wannabe) who is along the route and will match our schedule. Here's the essentials:

1. There will be two seats available. One in me (Louise Hose's RV-6) and one in the back of Valkyrie (Paul Dye's RV-8).
2. We launch from se Houston very early on Friday and will arrive at LOE mid-day (more-or-less).
3. We plan to again launch early, probably with first light, on Sunday and return to San Antonio by late morning. Because we are planning to return to San Antonio on Sunday and stay there for most of the day, passengers in that area or west would probably work best.

Salvaging a civil step-sibling relationship is on the line here, folks. Please....someone....accept a ride in me and/or the Valkyrie. If you are interested, please send me a PM and I'll have Louise or Paul provide you with more details.

I'm counting on this great RV community. Pleeeaaasssseee.
Folks, pleeeaaase help me out. I need to find one or two RV builder/future pilot-types/relatives to ride to LOE from central Texas next weekend.... Pleeeaaasssseee.
Sounds great! I'm an RV builder and kinda on the way, for the last hour or so anyway. Trouble is, I'm planning breakfast at Horizon City Airport on Sunday morning, and your hours are just too early Mikey. I like the Huevos Rancheros the 99s cook, and they don't start till later, but I guess that doesn't matter to you, since you don't eat bacon and salsa, only gas. I can tell you though that if you try the frijoles, you may get some gas that way.

I think they do have that car gas, if that appeals to you, but I don't know what you like better, the leaded avgas or unleaded car stuff.
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Looks like we have two takers! I get to go to LOE!!! Thank you, Phil and Ernie.