Bud K

Well Known Member
I am thinking about buying a flying RV-4. The airplane is well equipped for my mission but it doesn't have any rudder pedals for the rear seat. I don't have the RV-4 plans (yet) so I don't have good visibility as to how they would have been installed when the airplane was built. Is there 'reasonable' way to retrofit this aircraft with rear seat rudder pedals?
Several choices

There are elegant, and there are adequate. First, decide why you really need them. There is little room to work with, and the more complex set requires some under floor mods. The simple set screws to the floor pan and links into the rudder cables. Your plane and the way its finished out will be a factor. Make sure you have rear footwells regardless of pedals. I wont put them in mine and I k NJ ow some who have removed theirs because of interference with PAX.
Did more searching

Thanks Bill. I searched this forum for this topic (No Joy) but just got better results with a Google Search. My main purpose for rear controls is for formation flying with an instructor in back. I don’t plan on having the rear passenger land from the back seat since I know that visibility will be an issue. Flyboy’s fold down pedals look interesting but I have to check on the manual flap lever interferences.

Just collecting thoughts and personal experiences.
I have a set of the FlyBoy Accessories pedals in the backseat of my RV-4 with the manual flap lever. I haven't noticed any interference between the pedals folding and the flap lever.
Good to know

I have a set of the FlyBoy Accessories pedals in the backseat of my RV-4 with the manual flap lever. I haven't noticed any interference between the pedals folding and the flap lever.

There was one review of Flyboy’s pedals on their website where the reviewer stated that they ‘did not suit the manual flap setup’ on his aircraft. Maybe his setup is unique.
I don't have any pictures handy to show, but they don't interfere with the manual flap handle. Of course, you decide exactly where the pedals get mounted. They don't come with plans or drawings or anything, just some prior planning made sure it was located where it wouldn't interfere.

Only interference is the Passengers foot when reaching for the flap handle. Lucky for me, my only passenger is typically my wife and I just ask her to pull her left leg back when I need flaps. FlyBoy pedals stay nicely tucked out of the way.
See my setup here: https://photos.app.goo.gl/VxQfWdu713vJTggA8 (Edited the link: hope it works now...)
I welded up some CRMO tubing for the pedals.
Added a 2x2 1/8 in. thick angle to the floor as a mount. (Had to add a second 1x1 1/8 angle underneath to get the required stiffness.)
UHMW bearing blocks.
Swaged a cable to the main rudder cable.
Folds down a la Flyboy. Gives full rudder travel. Removes quickly. Zip ties hold the cable to the main rudder cable out of the way when pedal is removed.
I’m not sure why your formation instructor needs rudder pedals. Stick and throttle will do the job.

*edit* I have electric flaps. My setup may be not be compatible with manual flaps.
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That works!

That link works. Looks like I may have to use a clamp on the cables like FlyBoy did since my cables are already routed.

Did you install footwells for the rear passenger? The -4 that I am looking at doesn't have them but I've seen RV-8 footwells installed in the -4.
Thread drift sort of..footwells

The foot well mod on an RV takes one afternoon of simple fab. I built these (and a new floor section) for my buddy who's -4 didn't have footwells. The important part is making sure they don't interfere with the aileron pushtubes.


  • RV4 Fotwells.jpg
    RV4 Fotwells.jpg
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That link works. Looks like I may have to use a clamp on the cables like FlyBoy did since my cables are already routed.

Did you install footwells for the rear passenger? The -4 that I am looking at doesn't have them but I've seen RV-8 footwells installed in the -4.

I do not have foot wells but the angles supporting the bearing blocks are far enough forward so wells will fit aft of them should I decide to install them later.

I split the two nicopress sleeves with a dremmel and pried them open a tad to get them over the rudder cable. The cable to the pedals is 3/32”. I used tinned copper wire strands to take up the space between the 1/8 in. sleeve and the smaller dia. cable.
Clamps (a la Flyboys) would have been easier, but I had the sleeves and swaging tool handy.
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Formation flying........

My main purpose for rear controls is for formation flying with an instructor in back.

You might want to consult with whomever you are thinking about taking formation instruction. They may not mind if there are no rudder pedals in the back seat, especially in an RV-4. Most of formation flying is done with the stick and throttle. Control harmony in the RV-4 is such that rudder input is sometimes minimal. Is rudder important in formation flying? Yes; but they may be comfortable with telling you what to do with the rudder pedals during your instruction. There also is no throttle control in the rear seat of a -4. I'm sure there are instructors that require a full set of dual controls. Not happening in the -4 without some moderate modifications.....

There are people who are avid formation pilots on this forum that could probably answer that question. Search "formation flying"; that should give you some references. And some really cool formation videos......
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