
Well Known Member
My current liability coverage is 1 million per occurrence / 100k per passenger. The 1 million would cover any liability outside the aircraft but there is a per passenger limit of 100k. I asked the agent I have my A/C policy with about increasing coverage and here is the answer I got:

"Right now none of the insurance companies will offer the smooth limit or any
higher limit per passengers then $100,000 on experimental policies. I have
tried to get this done but they will not consider it at this time. "

I have also checked with my home / auto the insurance agent to see if an umbrella policy is available and was told it is not available for experimental aircraft. So it seems that we are stuck with just 100k of liability insurance for passengers which I feel is not enough. Has anyone been successful increasing this coverage?
Check that it isn't even lower for family members. The basic Avemco policy caps it at $25k for family members but since my RV6 is based in NY there is a state mandate that prevents it being less than for any other occupant. I guess the cost is added to the premium.
Not only experimentals

A few years back when I was flying my Aeronca, I got the same story from both the aircraft insurance and the umbrella policy but it applied to ALL private aircraft, not just experimentals.

If you think about this too long you'll come to the conclusion that a "no passenger" policy is the safest route. Think about it. If you're involved in a fatal accident, that $100k is going to be gone right away. Even if the victim is your best buddy, nothing stops the heirs from suing the pilot or the pilot's estate right?

So, a single accident can wipe out you, your buddy, and your family financially. I'm not sure how we protect ourselves and our families from this. Any ideas?
Yep - that's it

100K sublimit is all that's available for homebuilts. Can get "smooth" limits - and even 2 Mil or higher - in many standard category aircraft, if you are a fairly high-time pilot. But not in a homebuilt.

You're kinda lucky with a Vans. No coverage at all for lots E-AB models.
At Oshkosh this year, the insurance guy from Falcon (they do the EAA policy) did a session and said not to forget that you don't get covered yourself!!! That is 100K literally per "passenger" NOT "occupant", the "owner/occupant" of the aircraft is not covered because you can not "sue" yourself for damages and the insurance policy you purchase stands in your stead in case of an accident, therefore "they" are "you" !!!!

Maybe everybody knows this, but it was a BIG surprise to me and everyone else attending this insurance session!!!

May sound loony, but he said it is true of car insurance as well.

He said smooth insurance coverage was available to experienced pilots of certificated aircraft. He said to forget trying to get it for flying clubs and experimentals.
Here is an example of the rates for the additional insurance if it were available for experimentals. I just renewed the policy today on my PA-34 / Seneca II and here are the rates for the liability options I was offered ( this does not include the hull portion ).

Coverage --------- Cost
$1,000,000 sub $100,000 ------ $1,065
$1,000,000 smooth ------ $1,680
$2,000,000 smooth ------ $2,168