
We are picking up a partially built RV6A and have found the info about how to move a RV in a truck quite helpful.
Does anybody have info or experience on 50/50 partnerships on owning a RV aircraft. Should we have some sort of written agreement made up or do most people in partnerships just have a verbal understanding. What, if any, legal concerns could there be?
And one more question about building logs. What do most people use, notes in a book and pictures or some sort of computer log?
In Writing


I tend to be very conservative when it comes to partnerships. Not just in aircraft, but business or anything else. My $0.02, is always have things in writing. I would do this even if I was partnering with family or very close friends. Everyone needs to understand the expectations of the partnerhsip and how to terminate it. Don't ruin a good relationship, buy "winging" it.

I'm sure there are some here who have sample partnership agreements that they have used in the past. AOPA has some info here as well.

Good luck!