
Well Known Member
I know it's a long shot, but I'm interested in a 2 seat RV partnership out of KCCR. After flying my RV-3B since 2012 I think it's time for another seat. I built my -3B and am VERY experienced with building/maintaining RV's (-3 builders know what I'm talking about). I have an 11 month old and only fly my plane a few hours a month and I know there are others out there in the same boat. I would also be interested in trading hours - ie fly my 3 for x hours in exchange for y hours in your 2 seater. I suppose the ratio could be based on value of the plane? I don't know if thats ever been done before - perhaps someone can chime in. I would probably get up more if I could take my wife or kid for ride. PM or email me if you want to talk. [email protected]
