
I'm New Here
I'm considering buying completed wings, emp, w/ an untouched fuselage kit for a RV6A. what would be a competitive price? Thanks.
Welcome to Vans Air Force, Tim!

There's a lot of opinions about this, but the consensus seems to be, if the workmanship is descent:
Add up the cost of the kits from Van's, and that's what they'll sell for. The seller usually doesn't profit from his/her labor in these partial deals, from what I've seen.
Craig's advice is good. I'd suggest that unless the kit is "as new" and the building flawless that you should consider no more then 3/4 of the original kit price. You'll may find yourself spending more time then you can imagine fooling around with stuff that is screwed up, missing or damaged. Many RVs are flown by the second or third builder, but be aware that the dollars saved up front may not pay for the time wasted after the fact. Plan accordingly...
