
Forum Peruser
I just talked to Tony's driver and my wing kit is in Nebraska on it's way to Alabama. I believe he said he had two deliveries to make in Kansas tomorrow and he hoped to be in my driveway on Saturday!

YEE-HAW! After a 4 year hiatus, I'm building again!

Outstanding Don!

I was beginning to worry if/when you were were going to get going again. There's nothing like having spent money to get you into the garage to pound rivets...


If your load is on Jack's trailer I'm at least one of the stops ahead of you. He's got deliveries in Wichita tomorrow morning and hopes to be at my place tomorrow night with my Finish Kit.
Hey, I resemble that remark! Just got off the phone with Jack. After he stops by Cessna (things that make you go hmmmm?), he'll be at my place in Derby (south of Wichita) with a SB -10 fueslage, then my buddy's SB -8 wings a few miles to the south east. I'd suspect he'd be on his way well by noon. How connected we are, eh? -Jim

Yes, my wing kit is on Jack's trailer. Glad you guys checked in and gave me more data points. Sounds like it will be Saturday afternoon/evening for me.

This is gonna work out great because I'm leaving Monday for a 5-day business trip. And when I talked to Tony a coupla weeks ago about the schedule, I thought the delivery would probably be NEXT weekend.

If you guys can remember it when your excitement settles down, how about either posting here or emailing me/us here so we can keep up with where he is. Hopefully, Tony won't mind. I believe my wing kit is the last delivery on the truck, but I could be wrong.

Got the new workshop organized and ready for inventory of some wing parts!

You building at home or Pryor Field?


You building at your home or do you have a hangar at Pryor Field. I did a transition flight with Dan Cunningham when he had his 9A based there. There is quite a contingent of RV builders and flyers based out of there. Once I get my 9A flying I plan to visit there regularly.

Tony's driver Mike delivered my finishing kit last September the day the hurricane winds wiped out Kentucky. I felt bad for him to have to drive that long trailer in those high winds. It felt good to get my finishing kit though. After he left I lost power for three days.
My RV factory

Hi Mike,

My RV factory is at home. During the downtime when I was ALMOST through with the empennage, I did build a 600 sq ft shop which appears to be a detached two car garage with a full attic storage area. My wife calls it my ManCave. It's insulated with no windows, but that's the way I designed it.

What a coincidence that you should ask about Dan. He and I shared Hangar 7 where I still keep my 172. Dan is one of my very best friends. I have about 10 hours in N904DC, the RV-9A he built and used for transition training. His health is now stable and he bought a really nice yellow Corvette after he sold the RV-9A. I think N904DC is now out in Texas just southwest of where Doug lives.

I've been interested in building an RV since Sun'n Fun of 1993 where I saw a lot of RV's and got to talk to a lot of builders/flyers and even Van himself. Various family obligations always seemed to get in the way of starting, and it has been a little frustrating to see a bunch of young "whipper-snappers" build their RV's while I was only able to assist every once in a while. But I have learned a lot about building an RV from helping some of them.

Anyway, whenever you come to Pryor Field, let me know ahead of time. We'll treat you to some World Famous, Award Winning Southern style Bar-B-Q!

I'm planning a BLOG which will be a little different from the usual RV builder's blog. Stay tuned. I'll provide a link to it from these forums. I hope it will make for interesting reading.

On its Way-via TX

Your crates are in great shape; Jack has a delivery in TX so he's driving there first, then headed east to AL.

Partain and my wing kit

Thanks Mike,
Good to hear my crates are in good shape. :)
Texas, huh? That's a big state. Maybe it's on the eastern side of Texas. Looks like it may be time to call Jack again and see where he is. I'm thinking Sunday now for my delivery, which will be okay if it's in the afternoon.
My Wing Kit Arrived

Talking about a smooth delivery...

Partain's driver, Jack Zervas, called me just after noon today and he was about one hour away. I gave him detailed directions on how to find my house and sure enough about an hour later he showed up at my house.

Here are some photos I made today. I'm not quite through with my elevators yet and now I have 30 days to verify the parts delivered today.

One thing I learned is that after he left my house he was going on to Tennessee and then to North Carolina.

Kudos to Partain Transport! Mike just dropped off my finish kit. We had to shuffle some airplane bits around to get it out of the trailer, but it was smooth and by the numbers.

Thanks Mike and Tony!