
Well Known Member
So my RV-10 fuselage kit finally arrived Wed. of this week after some Vans delays and shipping delays. Tony is not the best communicator out there, but his driver Michael was very good at giving updates while on the road. With all the snow we have gotten on the east coast lately I was unsure if he could even make it in to my neighborhood. Once the truck got in to the neighborhood he quickly realized he would not make it to my house so we had to unload the plane down the street. The first step was to remove a 9A quick-build from on top of my crate.


Once this was done I got some friends to load the crate on some dollies so we could push it down the snow and ice covered streets.


I was the one not helping as a month ago I put my left hand in a table saw blade (another story, non RV related) so all I could do is supervise.


As you can see our streets are pretty bad. Despite a few delays, some vans and some Partain, I will use them again, it was cheaper than ABF, the driver was great and helped more than ABF would have. The price was only like $30 more than quoted and for the first time the box was right side up.

Now if I can only get my hand to heal enough so I can pound some rivets!
Another satisfied customer!

Today, less than 4 days after loading at the Vans factory, Mike from Partain Trading Co. Inc. delivered my -10 fuselage and finish kits here in SE Michigan. Unlike my previous experience's with ABF Freight and Old Dominion, the shipping crates had none of the complimentary fork lift piercings and damage I was used to. In fact there wasn't even a smudge on the crates! Many thanks to Tony Partain and his crew. Not only is the service top notch, the pricing was better. And don't forget to tip the driver,,,he works really hard getting those heavy crated kits, quick build wings, and fuselages moved across the country and unloaded with out damage. I highly recommend their services.