Neal Trombley

Well Known Member
Pulled the trigger this week.
I have joined my local met some great guys. Two 9s are being built on the field now ( located at page in fort Myers)

I never took a ride in one, is that a mistake?

Been flying a lot sat in drooled over plenty!
I'm attending Eaa workshop this upcoming weekend in Lakeland for sheet metal.

Anyway I hope it's everything I think it is.

Let the journey begin.
Congrats Neal -

I have a 9A in Zephyrhills and would be glad to give you a ride some time. Maybe I can meet you over at KLAL next weekend or I can meet you next time I am flying south.

Good move Neal! Welcome to the Club of Tails! Put a deposit on the wings as soon as you build the horizontal stabilizer. Make it a quickbuild if you don't like your fabricated brackets or order a standard kit if you do. You have 36 months before first flight unless you enjoy the tinkering... :D
I had only one short flight in a -9A before I pulled the trigger. I had a couple of other motivation flights much later in the build process. Now flying with over 360 hours and I can't say enough good things about flying the RV-9A. It does exactly what I want it to do. Fly fast and slow, high and low. Great for traveling places!

I agree with Vlad, get those wings ordered now and they will be ready to go when the tail is done.
Have fun with your build Neal. Consider the QB kits as a great option for a first time builder. You will have plenty of things to do and test your skills even with the QB. Lots of help here and at almost every airport in the country!
Congrats!! I only had a 10 minute ride with Vlad and I knew I had to do this. Having a blast building the fuselage now.
Giddy Up!


Prepare for a fun ride! You will love the -9A. I'm still grinning after 10 years! Like the others have said, she is really good at lots of things, from a trip around the pattern to a trip across the country!
Same here

I never ridden in any RV when I bought my kit. I figured it had to fly faster and better than a 172 from what I had read. Later when I had a chance to do some transition training in one (9A) did I realize what a splendid thing I had done on picking it. Waiting on the BasicMed paperwork to finalize and working through some system issues before I do my first flight. So close. Just work on it each day and you'll get there like the rest of us.
Congrats! I started the 9 (back when the 9 was a tri-gear and no tail dragon was offered). Then*I eventually switched to the 12 when some medical issues cropped up. Now I'm through those and*dreaming about the 9 again (after the 12 kit sells)...

Welcome to the RV-9A Club, Neal!

Like you, I did not have a flight in an RV-9A before ordering my kit from Van's. But flights in an RV-6 and RV-7 were enough to convince me that this was the perfect aircraft for me. I chose the -9A model because it fit my mission profile: I like cross-country flying, not crazy about aerobatics and fly mostly alone.

My wife and I built our RV-9A over a four year period. First flight was May 7, 2015. After transition training, I felt confident enough to perform the maiden flight. What a perfect day! The -9A is a sweetheart to fly. She is so forgiving and almost lands herself. I now have 38 hours of air time and can't wait for this winter weather to pass so that I can start flying again.

One hint: Whether you buy the kit or go with a quick-build fuselage, install the Anti-Splat "Almost-A-14" modification. Comfort is paramount on long flights.

Best of luck, Neal and enjoy the ride.
Just like Bob- "I started the 9 (back when the 9 was a tri-gear and no tail dragon was offered). Then I eventually switched to the 12 when some medical issues cropped up."

I flew my 9A for 7 years and well over 500 hours and enjoyed it all. It is a very versatile plane but the 12 is not a lessor plane just for a slightly different mission by being forced into being a conforming LSA. Once in the air I think the two planes fly almost identically.

I have gone everywhere in the 12 that I went in the 9A but slower and more economically. The speed does not matter to me- hey I get to log more time. I really enjoy the more open view of the 12 sitting in front of the wings with that large bubble, tiny cowling and helicopter sight view. I do sometimes miss the constant speed prop and sometimes the performance and baggage capability of the 9A. Maybe I'm rationalizing my huge investment in the 12 but even though I could renew my 3rd class today, I don't think I would switch back to the 9. I'm helping a friend build a new tail wheel 9 so once that is flying time will tell if I need to build another.

My recommendation for Bob is build on with the 12, you will not be disappointed and you will be flying much quicker. It took me 7 years to build my 9A but only 15 months "with breaks" to complete a flying painted 12.
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Welcome to the group! I hadn't flown in any RV before I started on my -9A. I've flown once now, and it was a great experience. As is the building process - I never knew what I never knew... I am learning tons, enjoying my shop time (mostly 🙄) but sure look forward to getting this project truly off the ground. I'm doing a QB and still feel like I'm building an airplane... Like they say - one step at a time and try to at least touch the project every day.

Heading to the factory tomorrow in fact to pick up my finish kit, and to talk to some folks about planning my panel. Fun times!

I with you

Congrats. I started the tail in sept and am 2 holes from being done, then on to the SB wings. I try to cover the unusual or tricky things in my blog. Please dont be afraid to ask if there is ever any doubt. You can either ask in your build forum here on VAF or PM me. I am scouring the other build logs of those who came before.( And a big thank you to all of those previous builders).
I am trying to get 20 hours a week in of building and that is tough some times when i run into issues. This seems to be a good pace. Good luck.

I ordered the wings as soon as the elevator was done and this was too early for me; i could have waited a few more months. But better early than late.

My only ride was the factory demo when i picked up the tail kit. It is an honest airplane and i dont think you will be disappointed..
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