lorne green

Well Known Member
Totally unrelated to RV building, except that it cut in to my building time by two weeks. ;)
Just retuned from Paris France. I needed to check out the Air & Space Museum while I was there. It's located at Bergot Airport (you know Lindburgh...1923) The French converted the airport terminal and out buidings to house the exibits in 1982(?) when they finished Charles Degall Airport. The exibit starts with the dawn of flight. Ballons over Paris in the early 1800 were a common sight. Touching on every early french aviator to ever leave tara ferma, They have on display, many high quality 1915-1929 aircraft reproductions. The tour moves on to extensive coverage of the First and Second World Wars and the aircraft that were flown. Most impressive, the museum houses in their collection, a Spitfire, P-38, P-40, DC-3, many types of french made helicopters and their early variants along with a 747, and a couple of SST Concordes (one Air France, one Britsh Airways) Then ends with a premium display of space related paraphenalia. Both displays and actual capsuals and other space junk which made it quite interesting. The displays are dated and are in need of freshening up but all in all, a good tour, worth the 30 minute Metrto ride North of Paris.
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