
Well Known Member
Any suggestions/recommendations for a chute, front seat RV-4, will be much appreciated.

Barney, in Memphis
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Most of the seat pack units will work

I have a Strong Enterprises model 304 that fits well, but all the emergency parachute manufactures make a similar unit. The seat pack measures 11" x 15" x 5" thick (actual measurements), and sits down in the area between the seatback and spar nice and snug. I have manual flaps and therefore the seat pack must be positioned slightly right of center, but this does not change comfort or functionality. The parachute is packed very tight so it is like sitting on a rock. It has a thin integral Comforfoam pad with soft fabric cover on the seat and back but its still quite firm. I purchased it on VAF.NET from a retiring RV owner for $750, including shipping. It is ten years old but looks brand new and came with a case and extensive user manual. One data point for you.
Parachute RV-4

Strong also makes a #314, specifically for the RV-4; but at 10.5" x 16" wide it does get in the way of manual flaps. The Strong 303 mini (backpack) might work, but at 3" thick, I'm concerned that it will move me too far forward for comfort.

Any other suggestions?

Barney, in Memphis

PS: Moderator, please correct my spelling in the original post/thread. Thanks.
Stock (not RV-4 specific) Strong 304 was the only thing I could find that kept my head off the canopy. The backpack 'chute I had before the 304 put me too far forward (head into the downsloping part of the canopy), other seat-packs lifted me too high. I have a taller-than-average seated height and abnormally large (but somewhat empty) head :p , YMMV.
how do you get out of the plane? I can't figure that out due to the side opening canopy.

If you plan to buy a new chute, I'd recommend waiting until Sun-N-Fun. They had a considerable show discount.
No problem

how do you get out of the plane? I can't figure that out due to the side opening canopy.

All you have to do is unlock the canopy and it will depart the aircraft. The hinge is pop riveted on to facilitate this.
how do you get out of the plane? I can't figure that out due to the side opening canopy.

You just open the canopy. The rivets on the hinges are soft rivets and will rip right off. It's happened a few times on accident.
"National 360"

Has anyone used a "National 360" (good for 177# @ 140kts) in an RV-4 front seat?

Other suggestions?

I tried a few types in an RV-8 before going for the GQ 350. Most pushed me too far forward for comfort - the GQ still does slightly but was the best of the lot. It has a small part of the chute under your legs, but I sat on an extra cushion anyway that could be removed.

Whether that relates to an RV-4 i do not know ;) And getting out of an RV-8 would be a relevant question :eek:

Andy (Hill)
National chute

I have two National packs that I just had repacked by strong which is only two buildings down from mine here in Orlando. I have a 4 and weigh 190 pounds and 5'9" tall. It was really comfortable and after a few minutes I forgot I had it on. Only had to take out the back cushion. Back seat trainer had it on also and fit him fine too.
National chute


Thanks for you input.

Do you have manual or electric flaps on your RV-4?

I have a manual flap lever that even gets in the way of my skinny butt; and I didn't want it to be bothered by a chute pack; but, it looks like the National 360 is going to be my best choice (will also require taking out the current seat back cushion).

try it

your welcome to try mine before you purchase one if you like. It's still in certification. Just pay shipping both ways. I have electric flaps

You just open the canopy. The rivets on the hinges are soft rivets and will rip right off. It's happened a few times on accident.

I know that's the plan, but what about the widget that holds the canopy in the full open position. I've seen ropes and various metal types used. It seems that the canopy could do some pretty good flailing around before departing and probably clobber the crew in the process.
rv4bill - offer


Thanks for your most generous offer to let me try your chute - much appreciated. I'll respectfully decline, not having had good luck in the past with borrowed items; so many borrowed tools.....broken or lost!!

I think my best bet will be to go to Sun-n-Fun, and try & buy there. None of the suppliers have any that might fit in stock, right now, and there's an 18 week wait after ordering!

Again, thanks for the offer.
