
I purchased a PAR 36 LED light from a off road shop on eBay. It fits a "standard" landing light installation, is brighter than the 4509s on my 182, and cheap. Unfortunately, it generates a huge amount of RF noise. I've seen several references to off road LEDs on this site. My question: has anybody looked at RF interference when buying LEDs, and how do you decide?
This is an on going problem.

About the only way to check for RFI is to buy one and connect to a power supply that is also feeding a VHF radio and find out.

I bought four of these to replace the MR-16 bulbs in Van?s standard RV-7/8 landing light kit. I tested them as above and have not found them to be an RFI problem - but not yet flying https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01B1PLJFM/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o03_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1

I also bought two of these but may not use: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01CNEGY82/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o02_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
Testing resulted in no RFI observed and this unit is amazingly bright, but not sure i want to mount them.

I also purchased some par 36 LEDs and the noise in the audio system was horrendous. I built two in-line filters and placed them right behind each lamp and it completely removed the noise. Cost less than $20 in parts.

Hi Tommy, I?m having a noise issue with one of my LED lights. I?d appreciate a helping handwith a filter, how exactly did you construct one?

Many thanks


I will look tomorrow and see if I can find the specs on it. I did find the basic layout on this website. Best I remember it was two capacitors and one inductor.