Bud K

Well Known Member
I flew in 'rule airspace' today with my GDL 82 today and I get an email from the ADS B team that my PAPR request 'failed to generate a result'. Furthermore, they will be out of the office and unable to respond till March 19th.

Is there a trick to filling out the PAPR request form that I am missing? If my GDL-82 is not functioning properly, shouldn't I at least get a PAPR report stating as much?

Sorry I can?t help you, but I recently installed a GDL-82 and yesterday flew for exactly 1 hour in Class C ?rule space ?, performing the requested maneuvers. Headed home, checked my PAPR and got a green pass for all categories. The $500 is on the way.
As a side note, I maintained the Rami AV-22 transponder antenna without any issues.

Jim Diehl 7A
Flew the Performance check @KABE
Wait long enough?

I once had to wait about an hour after I landed before I could get a report. You might try again. Also make sure you use the right date. I believe they use Zulu time, so you may have flown past midnight so you need to ask for the following date.
If all you get is an email, then the the FAA did not even see you. It will likely say it did not see you(r) N number. You have some software setup not correct with the product you have installed for ADSB OUT.

If you get a PDF file, then you were seen but unless it is void of any red, you did not pass. Read the report, look for the red shaded block, that shows your issue/problem. To interpret the issue in the red shade block of the PDF file sent to you by the FAA, you should google and down load the PAPR User Guide. It will l explain in no uncertain terms what the issue is. Still have issues, don't understand, go to avionics shop for assistance or contact your vendor for ADSB OUT.
I submitted a PAPR request twice, both times using my N number, both times well over an hour after I landed. In my GDL-82 set-up, I used my N number and had the software determine my ICAO number. I also was sure to use Zulu time.
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You were NOT in anonymous mode? (Pin 5 grounded via switch).

Did ATC see you mode C?

Was your transponder giving replies?
Finally got it!

I finally got my PAPR and GAIRS report (all green). Took 5 attempts. Instead of a specific time (in Zulu), I just indicated the date in which the flight was performed. Apparently that did the trick. Maneuvering for 42 minutes within the Mode C veil.