Piper J3

Well Known Member
I installed a MUX cable for my uAvionix echoUAT three weeks ago and have good PAPR's on all flights since. I'd like to know by what margin I'm passing the PAPR. Does anyone know minimum limits for each test category?

PAPR from today's flight is below...

I don?t know the exact allowance, but I can tell you that depending on your altitude, if you had good ADS-B coverage, you should do better than you?re seeing. 0% in all categories isn?t rare.
User guide says highlighted red blocks are fails.

That said, I get all zeros KT-76A and Skybeacon TSO.

I usually do get nearly all zeros but this flight was thru central Ohio and down into VW sometimes at lower altitudes and with multiple landings. Plus VW isn't real flat terrain. I think perhaps the low % values are poor radar coverage? Maybe I'm paranoid, but I've been requesting PAPR for every flight and will continue to do so probably thru end of the year.

On a positive note, I had to divert for traffic twice on this flight - once for same altitude nearly head-on.

ADS-B is good... :D
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