
Well Known Member
Anyone still using paper (multi ring binder) style jepps?

Cleaning out the closet and reminiscing....
I hear you, but no.
We shed a tear for each piece of paper that slowly departed the cockpit. Tracking flight progress on the paper chart, the right approach plate in paper... Yep, it still feels nostalgic to me. But we must move forward.
It is ok, let it go. The adventures await.
Man I hated old binders couldn't be thrown fast enough. Though the old leather may have looked good turned into something
I may not have a paper subscription but I print each IAP I plan to fly. I've never had the battery die or overheat with paper.

I may not have a paper subscription but I print each IAP I plan to fly. I've never had the battery die or overheat with paper.


Me too (three, I guess). I also print out a few enroute alternates. But I guess if something mechanical went wrong, or the wx forecast was totally wrong, I might be relying on the iPad for the chart I needed. (In the -10, I've never experienced an iPad overheat). And I practice with the iPad (not paper) most of the time.

Like others, I don't miss filing all those revisions. And I like the price (as a CFI WingX gives me charts for free).

Finally, although I use the government charts from WingX, they are far better than the government charts of the past. I had a friend enroute IFR to Cincinnati back in the 80's, who landed at an alternate short of there, because he couldn't find the Cincinnati approach charts. FSS guy first says, "Did you look under 'G'?" (Plates were filed alphabetically by the official airport name, G for Greater Cincinnati, W for William B Harsfield (Atlanta), etc.). Ed says "yes, I looked under G". FSS then says, "you have the Ohio book. But the airport is across the river, in KY." Sure enough, the charts were in the KY book.

No, I don't miss those days at all.
Nope 👎

No way. Used to pay junior FOs to do revisions for extra $$. When I was a newhire I made an extra 100$ a month doing the same!!!!!
At Braniff we had a group of enterprising FAs that did revisions while sitting hot reserve. It was their "pin" money they said.

Print W H A T? ?

If my alternator, battery, backup battery, EFIS, ipad and my phone battery all die then I will wish I had bought a raffle ticket on the way to this ill fated flight. I find the irony humorous here😂👨*✈️✈️🏨

If my alternator, battery, backup battery, EFIS, ipad and my phone battery all die then I will wish I had bought a raffle ticket on the way to this ill fated flight. I find the irony humorous here😂👨*✈️✈️🏨


In my case, if two alternators, two batteries, an EFIS backup battery, an iPad, and a phone go dead, its a really bad day...probably a giant EMP...