
Well Known Member
I’ve decided to upgrade my current legacy 2-screen G3X to a G3X touch. I’d like to retain as much the architecture as I can if possible. Here’s what I have:

GDU 370
GDU 375
GSU 73
GMU 44
GTP 59
GDL 39
TruTrak Gemini
TruTrak GX Pilot autopilot

I’d like to replace the GDUs with a 460 and a 470. My understanding is I can keep my current GSU and GMU. I’d also like to add a GAD 27 to replace the trim and flap controllers and replace the Gemini with a G5.

What I’m not sure of, and where I could use some help, is in determining if I’m missing anything, especially with regards to the G5. I’m unclear on what the G3X can share with the G5 or if I need to include additional items like a GAD 29 or GTP 59, or GMU specifically for the G5 to have full functionality. And I guess does it really need “full” functionality as backup?
FWIW, I'd seriously consider upgrading the AP with a couple of GSA28 servos and a GMC507 if you have room.
A G5 on the CAN bus will share everything it needs from the current equipment and also act as a backup if everything else fails.
FWIW, I'd seriously consider upgrading the AP with a couple of GSA28 servos and a GMC507 if you have room.
A G5 on the CAN bus will share everything it needs from the current equipment and also act as a backup if everything else fails.

Thanks Walt. I’ll think about the Autopilot. I hate to pull it since it’s been a rock solid performer. Of course I guess I could say that about my whole panel. Decisions, decisions....
Thanks Walt. I’ll think about the Autopilot. I hate to pull it since it’s been a rock solid performer. Of course I guess I could say that about my whole panel. Decisions, decisions....

Easier to do it now than wait till you're done with the panel and it fails.
Not a fan of TT since they now are BK, good luck with service or getting tech help.
GX Pilot

While things certainly have changed over the last few years, I am still here and providing support as needed...and we have more service centers than ever that can repair / upgrade your TT hardware.

The GX Pilot has a distinct advantage that it can interface with the G3X very well and still provide autopilot functions without the G3X. Just another layer of safety without paying any penalties on capability.

If you have any questions, please shoot me an email or PM!

I will offer that I recently had to replace a TruTrak servo. Had no problem with BK. Good service. Although you do go thru their subcontract, I think it's Mid Continent Avionics.
Trutrak has been nothing but reliable in my bird. I love the fact that if my efis goes down I can still fly an approach with it and the GTN650. It provides excellent redundancy if you're IFR. My only interaction with them was right when BK took over and the service was spot on and efficient. Just my .02
GDU Upgrade + G5

What I’m not sure of, and where I could use some help, is in determining if I’m missing anything, especially with regards to the G5. I’m unclear on what the G3X can share with the G5 or if I need to include additional items like a GAD 29 or GTP 59, or GMU specifically for the G5 to have full functionality. And I guess does it really need “full” functionality as backup?

Good Morning,

You will not need a GAD 29, or additional GTP 59, or GMU. That information will be shared with the G5 via CAN bus. Do you currently have 1 or more external navigators?

