
Well Known Member
'Been flying our RV9A for the last several years, however I've been itching to upgrade the airplane and pilot capabilities (IFR). After lots of planning, we finally deciding to go ahead with the new features, I have been buying used equipment as it becomes available over the last few months. It's a lot of work to search and procure equipment, but I got what I wanted at a more reasonable price (and thanks to some friends for pointing out the deals for me) . I could not stomach the price of "new out-of-the-box" solutions. Sorry Stein, a GTN650 or 750 is not in the cards for me :)

Of course, I had to ditch my Sigtronics intercom and Icom radio in favor of an audio panel (new) and an SL30 Nav/Com (need dual redundant navigation boxes for IFR in Canada). The panel also uses an older Garmin GNS480. It has some features I really like, and is more reasonably priced on the used market.

Am finishing up and looking forward to first flight with the new equipment. I still have some aesthetic issues to work on (panel bezels), and a technical issue with my Dynon D100/120 suite. Seems the HS34 does not like the new setup (even though it was working well before and is wired exactly as it was before), and having replaced it this week with a refurbed unit, it seems to still mis-behave. Dynon now admits that there are some customers that have strange issues like this, and that they have not been able to duplicate them in the lab. Dynon is suggesting to swap out units until it works. Hopefully this will be resolved soon as I need the ARINC interface of the HS34 to interface the GNS480 to the Dynon displays. Will try some troubleshooting first. If anyone has had a similar DSAB issue in the past and was able to resolve, please drop me an email.

I also had to install a 2nd VHF com antenna, and built a wingtip VOR antenna. I can't believe the amount of coax I have going in that plane now.

The audio panel is a PMA5000EX and it seems to be working really well (at least on the ground). Wired per manufacturer's requirement with lots of shielded wires and no interfering noise (strobes etc). I could not find any good user reports, but will definitely write something on it after I have it flying for some time.

This audio panel has a split com feature and we tried it in the hangar, it seems to work well with one belly antenna and a top turtle deck antenna. Cool!

I don't know where I will be placing the iPad now. I'm running out of panel space :)


Here are some before, during, and after photos. A bit more work needed for fixing panel aestetics (redo labels, redo blank avionics stack covers), and of course HS34 troubleshooting.



Very nice job

Alfio. Looks great from here. You will enjoy your IFR training. Though challenging, you will end up a much safer pilot.

IFR training

Vlad is right, we could fly to the east coast almost anytime... no icing or thunderstorms though :eek: We have had a great time flying to the Grand Mannan, Magdeleine Islands. Very beautiful area but the weather can change quickly. We have had to cut our vacation plans short everytime because of weather. A local RV-8 brethern once had to leave his plane in Nova Scotia and fly back commercial to get back to work. A few weeks later he flew back again to pick it up.

Looking forward to IFR training, but next step is to get the HS34 working again and then having Transport Canada approve IFR operations for this aircraft. It is not as straight forward as in the US.

With our cross country travel itch, IFR made perfect sense.... other than the dollars :rolleyes:
Hi Alfio,

I think you did a wonderful job on your upgrade. Nothing to apologize for at all, the equipment you chose is all very good stuff, very functional and very reliable. This upgrade should last you a number of years before we get you into the next great thing! :)
