
Well Known Member
I am in the planning stages of a panel upgrade on the RV4 and trying to determine the final equipment cost between the Skyview and the Sport EX considering the features we want. It isn?t super clear what is and is not included with each base unit and what features need additional modules, sensors, etc.

Stand along gauges we would like to consolidate: altimeter, VSI, airspeed indicator, magnetic compass, tach, manifold pressure and fuel flow.

Additional features we want in the panel: moving map GPS, attitude indicator.

key questions are: do these units include a method to monitor manifold pressure and fuel flow or is that an additional purchase? Is tach feature included or not? Also need to know if the sky view includes a magnetometer or not.

Has anyone here done a detailed comparison of these two units as far as full installed equipment cost in order to get the functionality listed?

Thx in advance for any advice!
Both vendors offer EIS and EFIS. GRT has charts saying what is included with each version of Sport. Betting Dynon site does same. Should spend time at each. GRT will be least expensive in most every configuration you choose. Good luck.
I can only speak for Dynon.

The screen itself is just that a screen, from there you add modules for what you want.

For example the EMS module does the tach, MAP, CHT, any sensor data you want.

The ADHRS is bought separately and then installed typically away from the panel, for example in mine it is in the back using brass screws to avoid as much magnetic interference as possible.

There is also a GPS receiver you need to install/buy. That will give you the moving map you ask about.

Long answer is yes it does, but just buying the screen will not.
I sent you a private message..... This belongs more in the glass cockpit section. There is a poll there with some info.

You have decide what you really NEED and want and how much you are willing to spend. What is your mission Day VFR occasional cross country? Future expansion to IFR?

Both the GTR Sport EX (basic, advanced, touch) and Dynon SkyView (HDx, SE, Classic...) come in different models and cost. You will get all the basic flight instruments or 6-Pac (Alt, AS, Hdg, Attitude, Slip, VSI) and may be OAT and AOA as options. What comes with the EFIS varies by manufacture... They do make it a little hard to see what comes with it. The big things in EFIS is the AHRS and Magnetometer.... They may come with either internal or as external modules or be "ala carte" items.... I assume you want a MAP. Most come with the GPS and Data base without extra fee but updates cost money. GRT is free updates as far as I know.

The Engine instrument add on and all the probes is always an add on and cost about $1500 (basic) to $1966 (with FF, FP, MAP, Amps) from GRT EIS (really a bargain). Same with Dynon and Garmin engine monitoring are always add ons... Look at GRT and Dynon web sites and pour over their price lists.

Dynon's price list

GRT they list the EFIS and optional items below

I would take inventory of what you need and want and how much you want to spend. What are you keeping from the old panel like COM. Transponder? If you are going to replace everything full integration of COM and Transponder (and autopilot) all controlled from EFIS display is pretty awesome.... Then take that list and write the Garmin, Dynon and GRT and ask for an itemized quote.
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Both do far more than you ask. Sensors sold separately, such as fuel flow, so can be considered a wash. I?ve been a long time happy Dynon customer, first with the D180 and now Skyview. Perfectly happy except for a bad ADAHRS but my current plane sat for several years before I bought it so who knows. GRT has a nifty highway in the sky feature if you fly a lot of IFR, Skyview is now certified and the only difference for the experimental is that they get new features sooner.

Both have good reputations for service. Like all big purchase decision (thousands are still big purchases to many of us) I recommend you watch the YouTube videos to see if something about one vs the other really grabs you, make a spreadsheet of the features you like, figure out cost by comparing everything you need to get the features you want (ie autopilot requires servos), then make a decision and be happy with it.

One thing I really appreciate about Dynon (in case you are wiring yourself) is that adding new equipment is usually just adding a standardized harness for their proprietary bus, and maybe separate power wires (or maybe not, ADAHRS runs from power sent across the standard harness from the EFIS).

Whatever you choose, you will probably grow to love it compared to steam gages!
Try to think about current and near future ?accessories?, count up how many RS232 ports you?ll need, buy accordingly. This site is full of ?...I ran out of ports...? postings.

There are normally discounts during SNF. I purchased my GRT set up during that time from Stein.

I can't Speak for the GRT, but for Dynon To get what you want you will need:

Skyview screen
EIS module and sensor package
Red-Cube for Fuel flow
ADAHRS (magnetometer is in this box along with air and rate data)
GPS Receiver
Backup Battery (a must have in my opinion, but not technically required)
2 network cables (one long, one short, but depends on EIS and ADAHRS locations)

This will give you everything required to get what you listed. All flight instruments, all engine instruments, moving map GPS

Optional Items:
Maybe a serial to grey code converter if you have an old xponder
A network hub for future expansion options (not required for the basics, but might as well plan ahead)
Consider running the wire for the AP servos while you are at it, in case you want to add later.
Want ADSB-In on the skyview, that is another add-on box (dynon won't take ADSB-In from non-dynon sources)

For the skyview, I suggest you go with the touch or HDX. There are good second-hand deals to be had on the classic (what I have), but if you are used to using a tablet for nav, then you will be disappointed with the mapping. It is pretty clunky compared to touch-screen. I don't use the mapping on the skyview at all (as in zero/never). It is just way easier to use my tablet.