
Well Known Member
OK, since no Falcon instruments were available I ordered an electric turn coordinator and an altimeter from Aircraft Quality Instruments in Wichita, KS. They are rebuilt units and look brand new (new faces I think). The turn coordinator (Electric Gryo) was $425 and the altimeter (Kollsman) $365. The company was easy to do business with and they delivered the products in just a few days. Don't know if the instruments work but they sure look nice. Anyway, when I ordered the turn coordinator I told the person that my instrument panel had an 8 degrees tilt and they said that made no difference for a turn coordinator. So, now that I have the instrument, it says on the back it is calibrated for installation in a vertical panel only. So, what's the deal? Is there really a difference for a turn coordinator? I know there is for an AH but not sure about the TC. The people at Aircraft Quality Instruments seemed to know what they were talking about but I would appreciate some additional input or comments from anyone else.


Hi JC,
From way back in the hippie days, I remember that the turn coordinator's gyro is mounted in a horizontal axis and the AH is mounted in a vertical axis. This being the case, you should be OK but the AH has to have the correction ($50). Since pitch and bank don't necessarily affect the TC, only yaw, I can't see why it needs correction. BTW, an easy way to check you TC operation is to watch it while taxiing and turning.

The turn coordinator, unlike it's relative the turn & bank, is set up with the gimbal tilted about 30 degrees so as to "anticipate" the turn as soon as the aircraft is banked. So while the turn coordinator will work in a tilted panel, it may not be as accurate.