
Well Known Member
My vacuum pump died. I want to toss the system. I'm strongly considering the Garmin G5. But since I already want to upgrade my steam gauge panel, the vac system death seems like the nudge I need to make some moves.

But I'm a noob with regards to avionics and what talks to what... on the side... I have an iPad with FlyQ that I'll always have with me as well.

I have an uninstalled TT Digiflight ii I want to install. I also have a panel mounted Garmin 196 that has to GO!

Do I go with a Garmin G5 and Aera 660 gps to run the autopilot


Double the investment and go with the GRT Horizon 10.1...



Avionics options are truly daunting to think about.

I'm looking forward to your opinions!

Thank you.
You haven't defined your mission yet. VFR or IFR. That's your first step. In my case I wanted my panel to be IFR capable, what's more, I wanted it to have an EFIS on the co-pilot side for my instructor. So this resulted in some big bucks. A friend built his with steam gauges, com radio, transponder and tablet GPS since he wanted a VFR ship and that's what he was comfortable with.

A few years ago, Stein Bruch wrote an excellent series of articles (I think one per year) in Kitplanes comparing various EFIS and other systems. Subscribers to Kitplanes can access these online.

In my case a tech from Aerotronics gave me a personal education when I asked "What's the best EFIS system". His reply was "For what mission". I'm using Aerotronics to build my panel. Steinair also does a lot of RV panels. You might consider these options.
You haven't defined your mission yet. VFR or IFR. That's your first step. In my case I wanted my panel to be IFR capable, what's more, I wanted it to have an EFIS on the co-pilot side for my instructor. So this resulted in some big bucks. A friend built his with steam gauges, com radio, transponder and tablet GPS since he wanted a VFR ship and that's what he was comfortable with.

A few years ago, Stein Bruch wrote an excellent series of articles (I think one per year) in Kitplanes comparing various EFIS and other systems. Subscribers to Kitplanes can access these online.

In my case a tech from Aerotronics gave me a personal education when I asked "What's the best EFIS system". His reply was "For what mission". I'm using Aerotronics to build my panel. Steinair also does a lot of RV panels. You might consider these options.

Very good question.

It's a VFR a/c.
Decide the end state, then purchase components as money/time allow. Point being buy stuff that builds a system, not just a collection of individual stuff.

For me, even VFR I don?t fly without a moving map that integrates ADS-B weather and contacts - and a two axis autopilot. When I was young and stupid I relied too much on the ?big sky - small plane? theory. I found out there are better/safer ways to fly.

I flew someone else?s RV-8 for a few months that had only an iPad for ADS-B weather and traffic. I hated it.

Do not think you need to pay someone to build your panel. These days with network EFIS systems it is not all that hard to do it yourself.

You’ve asked a loaded question and everyone will have a different opinion. Example: Carl doesn’t like an iPad for ADS-B traffic and WX. I love my iPad (with ForeFlight and stratus) for planning, ADS-B, WX and backup instruments. If VFR is your mission then the G5 and Aera 660 is perfect. The big GRT is very nice but so is the GRT Sport EX with EIS. Lots of VFR option that could be upgraded later.

SnF is just over a month away. Come on down and checkout all the good stuff in person. They usually have discounts if you buy at the show.
I am absolutely not a fan of iAnything in the cockpit. They are known to fail, washout in the sunshine, etc.

I have one 10" SkyView and for day and night VFR, it is amazing. I'm sure the same can be said for Garmin or any of the others.

I do have my SkyView driving the autopilot and transponder with a separate Icom 210 radio. The combination is very easy to install and very clean looking.

When/if I upgrade to IFR, it will be an easy upgrade.

Good luck figuring out what you want to go with.
As was said, there are lots of great VFR options that offer good support...Dynon, GRT, AFS, MGL, Garmin... It is definitely a bit overwhelming making a choice. Everyone has their opinion on which one is best.

My Dynon Skyview is great, although I have to say the GRT flight playback feature one of our guys has is nice. Use the internet and do the research. I made a spreadsheet and compared the cost and features of the various brands to help figure out the total cost and what I was getting. Set your budget and pick your poison.

One of the guys just replaced his old Lowrance 2000C with a Garmin 660. Loves it. Can't go wrong with a portable Garmin GPS, although they always seem to be the most expensive.

One other thing to consider is resale. I think it makes the plane a little easier to sell when you have equipment people are familiar with and has known good support. I don't think you can go wrong with any of the popular brands. FWIW.
It all depends on your mission, as said before. Playing with the different ones and going through the menus will go a long way.

We were flying down to so cal last week for an appointment. Dealing with altitude holds, traffic, restricted & multiple controlled airspace’s, turbulence, and vectors from ATC.... I looked over at my wife and jokingly said a moving map and autopilot were required equipment for this flight.

I have done the same flight with an old rented Cherokee as a new pilot, but it wasn’t fun.

It’s a great time to have an experimental airplane. The equipment available to us at a reasonable cost is unheard of in the certified world.

+1 for a phone call to Stein. They can answer all your questions.
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How much do you want to or can you spend? This is a personal question that you only need to answer to yourself, but that's the first thing Stein is going to ask you. Just to throw some numbers at you ---
660 moving map ~ $750
G5 ~ $1200
Then if you want autopilot - add
$750 for roll $750 for pitch
but you have to now drive the autopilot which the control head-GMC507 ~$1100
======================= Add about $2000 minimum for someone else to do the installation and harness.

The above is the minimal and you will have a solid VFR auto pilot plane with no vacuum system. So you're at around $7K (if someone does this for you).

From there you can go wild :D --- You can spend upwards $40K easily for a dual EFIS, with Engine Monitor, IFR GPS/Nav, Backup IFR GPS/NAV, etc.

If you are trying to stay at a budget but relevant in today's fast changing market of avionics, how about looking at a single EFIS (for example G3X touch) and put in a platform that you can add to later if you or someone that buys that plane chooses to.

Have a price in mind before calling Stein, Jesse Saint, Walt, Vic or anyone on VAF forums that does this for a living. We certainly have a number of really knowledgable people that make a living doing this.
Getting rid of the vacuum system at this point is a good idea. What you have mentioned (G5 & 660) will work just fine. You don?t need any kind of external anything other than what you already have to control your autopilot. If you decided you would like a moving map or some sort of digital engine indicating system, you have many options. The only real limitation is money. If you were to consider a GRT Mini instead of the G5, you would have a same size vacuum replacement that also has a moving map, engine data (with their EIS), TT autopilot controller, ADSB traffic and weather with connected ADSB system. If you would like to see one installed in person, I?m only a few miles south of you at Hamilton airport - HAO. Let me know if you would like to come take a look.

I have a vac pump with fresh vanes that I put in when mine quit a year ago.

Month later, I removed all of the vac system for upgrade.

Its yours for the postage, if you need something to get over the hump.

cary r

I have a vac pump with fresh vanes that I put in when mine quit a year ago.

Month later, I removed all of the vac system for upgrade.

Its yours for the postage, if you need something to get over the hump.

cary r

WOW. Generous offer. I'll talk to my partner. We just received the cover plate that caps off the system once the pump is removed... I suspect we will move forward with that plan... but.... Thank you!!!
it depends ...

I spent about 14-18 months debating what to do with my airplane (RV-6) and finally pulled the trigger on an avionics upgrade last year. My decision may not be "right" for you, but I could walk you through all the pros & cons affecting my decision. It's far too lengthy to discuss here, but a short phone call would be nice where you could ask me why I chose one path or discarded another choice.

As others related in your post, you really should define your mission and budget. Mission defines the "need" and budget creates boundries for addressing the "need". I'd be happy to walk you through my process. Maybe my experience will help you decide what's best for your application. PM me if you want to talk and I'll send you my cell number.

660 AV30

I recently replaced my altimeter and an old gauge to the Aera 660 and AV30. The Aera 660 is a fantstic moving map solution. It is a dependable partner for cross country VFR flying. I still have a mounted ipad min for Foreflight, but for my eyes it washes out easily.

The AV30 brings much better single instrument HSI/Altitude/etc with probeless AOA and a much better look than the G5 I considered hard.

I also mounted at GDL393D for ADSB In and other AHRS source for the Aera.

Very happy with the minimal cost modern upgrade to my panel!
i would ditch the vacuum stuff and recoup some $$.
i love my G5 upgrade. very bright, less expensive for experimental aircraft.
see all your options in flight if possible and understand things change but you are just vfr.
being vfr you don't need an expensive unit to drive the AP, it will fly to a degree in heading.
good luck.

Avionics options are truly daunting to think about.

I'm looking forward to your opinions!
GO CHEAP.... buy more AV Gas.... A G5 and portable/panel GPS or iPad with Foreflight and some of those cool ADS-B in Bluetooth deals you will be flying in style.

If you plan on upgrading your Engine instruments go with GRT 10.1 and their EIS system. There is some benefit having all 4 jugs monitored (CHT/EGT) along with fuel flow and other required engine instruments. It adds safety and efficiency.