
Well Known Member
Have made the decision on panel layout. Now looking for recommendations for a shop to provide the actual panel. Need someone who doesn't need me to provide CAD drawings. (Is that like saying TOLD Data?)

Standing by....


Just realized this is in the totally wrong category but don't know how to change it... Sorry
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Stein, Jesse, Walt

Speaking from experience, I've built 3 panels for 3 different airplanes.
- 1st one, I did some of the work and had some of it done by Jesse Saint. The portion that Jesse did was great and it was very much worth what he charged.
- 2nd one I had Stein do the entire panel and I just installed it. The panel looked incredible and was better than anything I could do myself.
- 3rd one I did for this last airplane - My thought was that I have enough experience now and I can certainly build something nice myself. Well, it's nice but it's not a Stein panel.

Lesson learned - Not just the cost factor, it really does enhance the overall airplane when there is a professionally built panel. Especially an IFR panel, there is no doubt that if you want an IFR panel, that you should use one of the several pros that advertise here. Stein is great, there is no denying that. His team produces some incredible work, but he is like ordering a Tesla... you my get it in a year :D They are good and they are busy (I'm sure you will want to call them and find out for yourself). Others like Jesse and Walt do great work as is apparent on some of the pictures that they posted on this site. My point is if you have the money, pay a professional to do this. I don't think you will regret it.
I think I asked that question incorrectly. I am looking for a shop to do the actual cutting and surfacing of the panel. Not looking for a shop to do any avionics, just the cutouts.

Still in the wrong category.
I think I asked that question incorrectly. I am looking for a shop to do the actual cutting and surfacing of the panel. Not looking for a shop to do any avionics, just the cutouts.

Still in the wrong category.

Moved the thread out of the classifieds for you….

Just something to think about - if you are going to do the wiring and mounting yourself (which I strongly encourage!), then cutting the actual panel isn’t really that hard. If you’ve got a drill, drill bits, maybe a step drill, and a Dremel, you don’t need any other special tools that you won’t also ned when you do the assembly. Buy a blank panel from Van’s, lay out your design, and start cutting/drilling.

If you have al the money to pay someone to do it, that’s fine - but don’t give in to peer pressure because “everyone else has theirs laser cut”, because they don’t.

Do it how you want - just realize there are traditional options!

Just something to think about - if you are going to do the wiring and mounting yourself (which I strongly encourage!), then cutting the actual panel isn’t really that hard. If you’ve got a drill, drill bits, maybe a step drill, and a Dremel, you don’t need any other special tools that you won’t also need when you do the assembly. Buy a blank panel from Van’s, lay out your design, and start cutting/drilling.


What Paul said. Great skill to develop and you get to enjoy the reactions when folks say "great panel, who made it for you" ;D
What great input! My problem is time. I'm on the road about 50% of the time so I figure I can have it being cut while I'm gone. I'd like to do more of it myself but I like flying more than the building part so I have to allocate my time in accordance..

Great thoughts though, thanks!!
I would highly recommend you talk to Aerotronics for you needs. They will do as much or as little of the work as you wish, and I had a great experience with them. You can send them your panel layout sketch and they will put it into CADD and return it to you pointing out any possible issues, and work with you iteratively to make improvements until you are ready to say go. They can prepare the panel with painting, labeling, etc., and can even provide back of panel shelves for remote LRU mounting. They can source any of the panel components or avionics if you wish at a competitive price.

They are a VAF advertiser, found near the top in the left column ads.

Of course, Stein also does nice work, so you may want to talk to both before deciding.


Here's another option if interested. Draw or find a CAD person to draw the panel. I know someone but no idea what he would charge. He did mine.
Import into Adobe Illustrator. This part I did. Make changes to lines and text as preferred.
Have it printed black on white vinyl.
Apply to the panel and cut along the lines and holes.
Peel it off and clean up.
Print another whatever color on desired finish vinyl.
That's the abridged version.
The really neat part is changes are easy.
I wrote an article for Kitplanes but it hasn't been published.
Here's the finished product with fake electronics.