
Well Known Member
Back in the air!! One step closer to making her all the plane I want her to be!! :)






Thanks to Bill at Up North Aviation for a fantastic CNC cut panel, and Matt at Aircraft Engravers for perfect placards!!

Johnson Creek, here I come!! :)
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Change yer balls y'all

Great vfr panel but tradition has the black ball on the throttle and the blue one on the prop governor.
Cheers, Ralph
Great vfr panel but tradition has the black ball on the throttle and the blue one on the prop governor.
Cheers, Ralph

Thanks for the compliments, John & Ralph.

The black ball is the throttle, the red is mixture, and the blue is elevator trim. I have seen quite a few trim levers with blue balls, but if there is a better color in this particular arrangement, I'm open to changing it. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Ah, you got me!!

Sure, that makes sense. But still, I would be tempted to either put a different shape on the knob to give it a distinctive feel. Or do like I've seen Tom Martin do. He kept the lever flat (i.e. didn't jog the top to mount the ball) and just slab sided it with a couple of very thin pieces of polished rosewood and then riveted through all three.

I like your panel and the way you have mounted the important stuff as close to the top as you can. Since I've started back flying I can't believe how busy the low level airspace is. I want my head up and my eyes looking out side. A quick glance down is all you can afford. Yours works for me. Enjoy your ride.
