
VAF Moderator / Line Boy
A few weeks ago, I saw a posting by Ron ?Smokey? Shrek that included a picture of his RV-8 panel which caught my attention. Smokey had built a ?wedge? for his GRT Dual EFIS display units which allowed a more straight-on view of the DU?s ? and looked really cool in the bargain. Since I was planning to do a little upgrading in the EFIS department in the near future (but keeping the same size DU?s), I retained the idea as a potential way to add a little bit of space between the lower DU and my AHRS, which is located directly forward of the DU?s. Having a little more room for connectors and pitot/static lines would be nice, and putting the DU?s just a touch closer to the eye would be a bonus.

While all these thoughts ran though my head, I must admit that I am pretty conservative, and can easily be set in my ways. I love my panel, and don?t think there is anything wrong with it ? but you never really know if something might be better unless you try it. So I looked for a way to implement Smokey?s design while allowing me to back out of it if I didn?t like it. Essentially, all I needed to do was build two wedges ? one for each side of the stacked DU?s ? that mounted to the panel using the existing DU mounting screw holes, and then had new mounting screw holes/nutplates on the EFIS sides. Using small aluminum angle from HDAS (Home Depot Aviation Supply) and a couple of pieces of .040 I had, I felt I could do this pretty easily. Having drawers full of nutplates and rivets is really helpful ? folks that buy their airplanes rather than build don?t have this advantage!

Here?s the right side wedge before installation:

And here it is installed:

The only problem I ran in to was one of geometry. Smokey put what I?d call a ?two-stage? wedge in his plane, with the lower DU angled more than the upper. In order to tilt the DU?s off of vertical, the hole in the panel has to be taller than if they are perfectly vertical, since they have depth. I wanted to get away without opening up the hole I already had, so that I could go back to my original configuration without building a new panel, so I drew some full-scale outlines on paper and slid the DU?s around on them to determine the maximum tilt I could get away with and still use the original hole (which had a little bit of extra room). I also didn?t want to drop the bottom aft corner of the DU any more than I had to, so this played in as well. I quickly learned that the ?two-stage? wedge wouldn?t work without enlarging my panel hole more than I wanted to at this time, so I came up with a single sloped design. (I still like the two-stage wedge, and could build one later if I decide to keep the idea.)

Both wedges in place, ready for the Display Units:

And finally, with the DU?s in place:

One little thing to watch out for is the ability to get the side wedges attached to the panel ? it helps to have holes in the flange through which you can stick a screwdriver to get to the attaching screws! This is a definite ?plan ahead? area. I also had rivnuts left in the panel from my older, shorter EFIS DU?s that I used to attach the wedges ? this prevented interference from the current screw holes and nuts. All in all, the installation was very straightforward, and with one short flight after installation, I think I like it! I did bump my knee getting in the first time ? I guess it is hard to change four years worth of habit instantly. And if I really don?t like it, removing the wedges is a snap!

Long live the wedge!

Nice job, Paul. The double angle on the wedge does take up a lot more panel space. If I had to cut the hole any larger it would split my panel in two.


OK, now what is the next project?
Adding Panel Wedge

Great looking job Paul. Maybe I could hire you for my next panel project.

Keep up the great postings.
Looks great, Paul! (I guess your skid/slip ball will have to find a new home now... It certainly is protected from rain.) ;)


I look forward to hearing your opinion once you fly a few more hours with your "wedgie". Just out of curiosity...where do you have your EIS mounted (I don?t see it in any of the pictures)?
Looks great, Paul! (I guess your skid/slip ball will have to find a new home now... It certainly is protected from rain.) ;)

Yes, the poor little hidden ball....I'll let it sit there for now until I come up with a better idea. Good hting I have a digital one on the EFIS!
Paul or Ron,
After flying around with tilted screens like that, do you notice any problems with glare, reflections, or any other adverse lighting conditions that may not have been a problem with the screens mounted vertical?
Paul or Ron,
After flying around with tilted screens like that, do you notice any problems with glare, reflections, or any other adverse lighting conditions that may not have been a problem with the screens mounted vertical?

The screens are easier to read. The colors are brighter and the terrain shading has more depth. Look at your computer screen at a 45-degree angle and notice how much color, brightness and definition is lost. I got that all back when I tilted the EFIS screens up. No problem with glare or reflections at all, even at night. I see no downside to the modification.
What Ron Said! The normally excellent readability of the GRT screens seems to be enhanced even further by a more straight-on view, even the modest tilt I achieved.

Hmmm... I'm trying to find a good way to upgrade from the older WS screens to the HX without lots of drilling and filing on the panel, and that may be the ticket.

Paul ...Looks good .. wow i didn't realize that the RV8 panel was that 'canted'. Am I missing something here?

Paul ...Looks good .. wow i didn't realize that the RV8 panel was that 'canted'. Am I missing something here?


Not quite sure about your "canted" question - the 8 panel is pretty much vertical to my eyes. The wedge that Smokey invented just makes the EFIS a little more perpendicular to your line of sight.


How wide is your wedge at the bottom and at the top? Would you angle it more or less if you had it to do over? One last question... How tall are you?


How wide is your wedge at the bottom and at the top? Would you angle it more or less if you had it to do over? One last question... How tall are you?


Hi Tony,

I built it to fit, but I just went out and measured the results - the top sticks out about 11/16" from the panel, and the bottom is 2 - 5/16". The angle is what I needed to accommodate the hole I already had in the panel, and looks fine. If I were building without the existing hole constraint, I'd probably try giving it a little more angle to see if I liked it, but the more angle, the farther out it comes, and this starts taking away ingress/egress room for your legs (you are sort of creating a leg-well).

I am 5'9" tall - pretty average


Thanks. Just what I needed to know. I am worried about ingress/egress room as well. I also don't want to feel claustrophoic with the GRT's too close to my face. Both yours and Smokey's sure look nice.

Paul .. the more I look the better I like it..... however, I'm REALLY concerned about the tilt causing problems on the aft-bottom side of the HX with the DB25 connectors on. Right now they clear my fuse panels by about .250 when they are straight back. Going to have to do a bunch of measuring ... how did you judge the back end? Or did you just wing it?

Paul .. the more I look the better I like it..... however, I'm REALLY concerned about the tilt causing problems on the aft-bottom side of the HX with the DB25 connectors on. Right now they clear my fuse panels by about .250 when they are straight back. Going to have to do a bunch of measuring ... how did you judge the back end? Or did you just wing it?


I "winged it":D.......doing it by measurement was too much trouble - it is more or less art when it comes down to it. The back of the HX isn't much lower than it was before - but then, I don't have anything below my lower HX!

I "winged it":D.......doing it by measurement was too much trouble - it is more or less art when it comes down to it. The back of the HX isn't much lower than it was before - but then, I don't have anything below my lower HX!

Put a large file folder on your bench. Draw a line down the middle. This is a side view of the face of your panel.
Take the DU's out and lay them on their sides on the bench. "Tilt" them out from the line as much as you please. You can measure the size of the hole required and the clearance behind the panel. You can also see where the sub-D connectors will be.
GR upgrade

Thanks for your response and especially the pictures, they really helped, if not before, look forward to seeing you at Petit Jean this year!

Richard Gulley