
Well Known Member
I know there are some electronics whiz kids on this forum. Hopefully one of you can help me with this mystery!

Background: RV-12 120176, flying for over a year now, autopilot and lighting options installed during original build.

Problem: During my first real night cross-country leg earlier this week I was unable to get the panel lights to come on. By "panel lights" I mean the lights on the rocker switches, the eyeball cockpit light, and the light in the autopilot disconnect switch. Master was on (obviously), Avionics was on, Nav/Strobes were on and working. I was able to get into the "Dim" screen of the D-180, and change the brightness of the screen itself, but there was still no light in the panel light circuit.

After landing and shutdown I tried again. Much to my surprise, the lights came on. Yesterday, while taxiing to my hangar, I tried the lights again. No joy. Apparently the lights don't work when the engine is running, but do work when the engine is off!

More information: This could be something I introduced during the recent condition inspection, or it could be that this is the way the lights have been working since original build, since I don't fly much at night and wouldn't have noticed.

I have the skematic that someone put together a couple of years ago, but that isn't much help. The lighting wires go back to a pin coming out of the D-180 called "CLT". I have no idea what "CLT" means, and of course I have no idea of the circuitry inside the D-180. My reading of the Dynon manuals suggests that those external lights should dim along with the D-180 screen. Perhaps that is what the "CLT" line is for.

OK, one of you genius'es help me out here!

D-180 External EMS Warning Light setup

The lights might be setup to come on only when the D-180 is in alarm condition. Since there is low oil pressure and low voltage when the engine is off, that is when the lights come on. Read page 4-10 of the FlightDEK-D180 Installation Guide and change the settings. Here is a quote, "To configure EMS DB37 Pin 29 for dimmer mode, enter the EMS menu by pressing any button beneath an EMS main page. Press MORE > SETUP > GLOBAL. Press DOWNâ–Ľ to select ALARM CONFIG and select LGT BHVR: DIM OUTPT."
Hope this helps.
Joe Gores
Thank You One and All.....

I stopped by the hangar yesterday. Didn't run the engine due to the foot of fresh snow in front of the door, but did change the Setup settings and now the lights seem to dim properly. Phew! Thought I had a wiring error or short circuit!

Problem was obviously introduced when I loaded the Dynon Version 5.4.3 and the locked Van's file at the time of the condition inspection. I wonder if they have fixed the locked file yet.Seems like a simple fix to remove this "gotcha."

Thanks guys..........