
Well Known Member
Being in the uk we are required to install backup instruments (2.25" ASI, Alt. and compass).

I'm looking at placing these vertically in right panel (left edge of the map box).
At some point I plan to install the extra switch modules in the center so I don't think I'll have space to put them there. The switches may or may not be done during the build depending on the amount of funds available at the time.

As I've just got to the end of the fuse kit I'm working on the panel and i realised that making extra holes at this point may cause issues later (spacing from whatever else goes in there) so I didn't want to start cutting holes in things before checking with you guys first :D

Does this sound like the best place for the 3x2.25 instruments (I can't think of anywhere else to put them) and are there any clearance (or other) issues I need to consider before cutting the panel?
Not the same as what you have in mind, but maybe useful as a guide for layout. I don't have room for the extra switch modules - at least not within easy reach unless I rearrange everything. On the other hand, I'm happy using the autopilot in simple mode, so I doubt that I'll change it now.

Panel Layout

Worked for me as you described. Not even going to try and post a picture on this site, just too difficult. See your private messages.
Thanks for the pic.

Looking at yours I think I could fit the two modules and ASI above the radio and have the Alt and compass on the right panel.
I'd need to have the switch panels first though otherwise layout would be tricky.
I guess some more research is needed :D

There is enough room on the left edge of the right glove box panel for three 2 1/4" instruments. I placed the screws in the panels with the com brackets in place and used a red Sharpie to trace from the backside where the brackets seated to the panel section along with where the top edge of the upper fuselage skin and the instrument panel base reside. After the lines were drawn, a little extra space was allowed just to be safe.

Be aware the panel section is not "square" in that the left edge tappers a bit ... I used the bottom horizontal edge of the panel as the reference point for the horizontal and vertical hole measurements. Below is a photo of how it all turned out.

Happy building,
That looks great (and nice colour panel you have).

I will move my ASI to the radio panel and just have the other two on the right. I was considering putting some nutplates in the panel for a ram mount and there might be space under the backups now.

I guess there shouldn't be any space issues there so at least that is one less thing to worry about.