
Well Known Member
In order to water cut my panel next week, I like have some other prospective from you. Thanks

IMO ...

move the compass over to the other side ... as it may be affected by the radio.
tighten the radio to the transponder ... make it one big cutout.
move the trim displays to the right side ... out of the way ... we only used them for take off settings, you really dont need them once in flight.
move the ELT under the CO monitor
Left or right handed?

Hi Luke,

Do you fly left or right handed? From the looks of your layout, I'd guess you fly right-handed since the vast majority of button/knob pushes/rotations are on the left side. If not, you might consider swapping your avionics w/ all the dials to avoid crossing your arms all the time or swapping hands w/ the stick....IMHO.

Good luck,
Just an opinion, worth nothing of course...replace the AP with Dynon's new AP, ditch the engine gauges and put in a EMS10.
Do you fly left or right handed?

This is going in an -8, so yes, he will fly with his right hand.

Just an opinion, worth nothing of course...replace the AP with Dynon's new AP, ditch the engine gauges and put in a EMS10.

Will your master, light, etc. switches be on the left side as well so you won't have to take your hand off the stick? If so, no issue.

I second Brantel's suggestion regarding the Dynon AP. I now have over 50 hours flying behind this autopilot and it works great! I also suggest you get the AP74 to complement your D10A.

Also, dump all the warning lights. The Dynon will put both a tone in your ear and a read bar across the bottom of the screen. However, I would put a green fuel pump light up high on the panel to let you know when you left it on or didn't turn it on when lined up to take off.
Put the GPS above the radio -- easier button pushing and passenger can see it over your shoulder.
Luke... As with last poster... think rear seater if you are carrying anything other than non flying pax...

Move ASI and Alt further outboard. GPS to one side if you can. Lower/Centre of panel ideally dead space e.g. Map Box.

If you can free up enough space far a mapbox, suggest you do. Never enough storage for things, especially secure enough for aeros etc.

You can save a lot of space with 2.25" Radio+I/C and Xpdr...

Good luck!
If you can free up enough space far a mapbox, suggest you do. Never enough storage for things, especially secure enough for aeros etc.

Just to add, The map box depth can be cut down (I did this) and placed anywhere on the panel. You don't have to put it where it fits as sent. Otherwise you are stuck with just a couple of options. No, it won't hold maps as well but you still get storage from it. Mine is about 8 inches deep.
my answer, ... more suggests required

Hi, and thanks for help ! Here some answer :

n468ac : ok for radio tighten, the main compass is remoted into the fuse for D10a, nice idea for trim displays.

David : it's an 8 right side, on my infinity stick I've flap,radio, pump, smoke, AP

Brantel : Dynon AP is an real option (I own already D10A), maybe more difficult to mount the servo into the wing instead that under the seat ???

n941wr : the switch are standard right side, in flight switch are on the stick - let me know something for the installation of Dynon AP

n130wn+andy & ratman : rear seat will have it's gps, mapbox could stay under the 496

I'm waiting for updates :)

Thanks in advance for patience
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If it's map stowage space you want, you can build side enclosures where the "elbow rests" are, and get a whole lot more room for maps and stuff than using the -8's valuable panel real estate in my opinion.

If it's map stowage space you want, you can build side enclosures where the "elbow rests" are, and get a whole lot more room for maps and stuff than using the -8's valuable panel real estate in my opinion.


I suppose you're right if you're going for a super-duper, cloud eatin, mega panel. On the other hand, some of us simple folk have more than enough room for two or even three map boxes and still have a nicely equipped VFR plane, (thanks to those fine people at Dynon, Garmin and of course Steinair).

If I get to the point I need the room for something else I'll use my spare (25 bucks from Vans) panel blank. Until then I'm gonna use that valuable panel space to hold some simple stuff like gloves, sunglasses and batteries.

Seriously Paul, and I mean no disrespect, you have a fine panel with lots of cool stuff, very impressive. However, you probably spent more on it than I have on my entire plane. If I needed all that stuff it would take me another four years to get it in the air. I don't need it, I don't want it. It's about the mission, not about the toys.
Seriously Paul, and I mean no disrespect, you have a fine panel with lots of cool stuff, very impressive. However, you probably spent more on it than I have on my entire plane. If I needed all that stuff it would take me another four years to get it in the air. I don't need it, I don't want it. It's about the mission, not about the toys.

I hope that you didn't take my post the wrong way John - I was simply proposing alternatives. I seriously and truly try never to tell other people what they should do. Yes, it is completely about the mission, and folks need to know what that mission is. I simply try and provide information excahnge - many folks don't know what else is being done "out there", and the more choices we have, the better. Most of the ideas I incorporated on my plane I gleened from other builder's web sites.

The important thing is that everyone builds the plane that THEY want!

It's about the mission, not about the toys.

I think that the "toys" are half the fun. Afterall, this "flying" we do, is really just an expensive hobby for fun! I doubt than any of us, could ever really justify the expense! :eek:

One thing is for sure................

With more toys in the panel, it sure makes us look smarter to non-pilots! :D

L.Adamson --- RV6A six-pac panel that looks like a T-37 crammed with gauges..