
I'm New Here
Hello everyone. Does anyone have pics of a front panel layout where all of the instruments/gauges are on the main panel? I am not interested in any "glass" on my panel and don't want to look down beside my legs to read anything. CB's on a side panel are ok but everything I need/ want needs to be on the panel. Also, does anyone have a setup for a few flight gauges for the rear seat passenger? AS/Alt./Compass or GPS readout? Thank you all in advance! Terry PS>I am planning to use the Grand Rapids Tech. EIS so that will take care of several instruments. I currently fly with Chris 164CB and he uses the GRT EIS and I love it. Big bang for the buck!
I would recommend completing your signature or simply stating which airplane you're building. You may get a few more answers. :D:p

Terry Rucci

Thanks, Jamie. Did I mention that I am new to this? :) I made an assumption because I was in the RV-8 section, sorry. Heading to the signature page now. Terry.
Which GRT EIS? The one designed for ultralights?
With todays technology, Glass is getting to be as cheap or cheaper than steam gauges. And, with the slightly nose heavy RV-8, you do not need a heavy, $1000 vacuum system up in the front to fail (and they will). I was raised on steam gauges but now can't see any reason for them except 3 for backup (ASI, VSI, ALT).
Terry Rucci

Thanks for the input. Not sure if the EIS is the one designed for ultralights, but it interfaces with Lycoming engines. Works great! I will do some more research. Did not get any ideas about instruments for the rear seat passenger. This may be unpopular, I just think it would be nice if the passenger wanted to fly. Thanks again, Terry
RV-8 panel

Here's mine.


Thanks for the input. Not sure if the EIS is the one designed for ultralights, but it interfaces with Lycoming engines. Works great! I will do some more research. Did not get any ideas about instruments for the rear seat passenger. This may be unpopular, I just think it would be nice if the passenger wanted to fly. Thanks again, Terry

Hi Terry!

For the back seat, you might just think about a mount for a GPS - I have a 396 mount that gives the passenegr just about all the data they need, including a GPS-derived "six pack".

You really shoudln't have any trouble building a steam-gauge panel that fits in the -8......plenty of panel space for that, as several pictures show.
