
Well Known Member
When I bought the airplane, the engine controls were on a subpanel, left to right, Carb Heat, Throttle, Mixture, all pretty standard. The elevator trim rocker was conveniently above the throttle.

When I needed to add a propeller control for the constant speed prop, and not wanting to widen the subpanel and encroach on knee room, I made a new sub panel with Throttle, Prop, Mixture across the top and Carb Heat below and between throttle and prop. Easy to reach and easy to push in when advancing the throttle. Throttle was no longer under the elevator trim but not that big a deal.

But, carb heat is no longer all that visible. Yes, I knew that when I designed and mocked up the sub panel, but I didn't realize that it was out of sight, out of mind. The old habit pattern of looking the sub panel for confirmation that all was set properly no longer works.

Time for a new habit pattern.
Yes, "Human Factors" is an important and interesting discipline. So much so that NASA has a whole cadre of folks who study it.