
Well Known Member
I'm probably not the first to use these, but just wanted to make the group aware just in case.

I bought these panel indicator lights from They are 12X16mm LED lights. They are already wired with a resistor so they work with 12v.

The lens is made of two parts: a colored outer lens, and a white diffuser. Both are just press-fit so they can be removed. I removed the lenses and used a label maker with clear-tape to put labels on the diffuser. The tape is a little wider than the light, so there is no edge. I put the diffuser back in the lens. The labels are now protected from damage. I think they look pretty good.

Total invested for all four: about $4. (I already had the label maker). Mounting holes are a hair over 15/32 and 3/4" spacing (parts are metric, but that is close enough). If I had a fancier label maker, I could have made the text larger, but mine is pretty basic with only one font and character spacing.

I plan to add a test button, but haven't done so yet. I don't have them wired in the panel yet, but in bench testing the light level looked appropriate (bright enough, but not too bright).

I have the exact same lights, Colin. I think it was Paul Dye who first put me on to them way back when. They look & work good. (I'm not flying yet)
I think so, Don. Again, I think it was Paul that built-in a bright & dim switch in the circuitry. I think he used a 4PDT switch and resistors to accomplish it. Some annunciators will need a negative voltage while others need positive.
Buy spares!

I had 2-3 failures on mine before I got 6 good ones in there, all failed during phase 1, none since (200hrs). Since Mpj has a min order I'd suggest you go ahead and get your spares now since they are like a buck apiece.
2013 dues paid
I had 2-3 failures on mine before I got 6 good ones in there, all failed during phase 1, none since (200hrs). Since Mpj has a min order I'd suggest you go ahead and get your spares now since they are like a buck apiece.
2013 dues paid

I'm sure there is some get-what-you-pay-for in those lights. I have extras just in case. You could always tear them down and replace the LED and resistor. More than likely the resistor is the failure point.

As for dimming; resistors aren't ideal for dimming LEDs, but will get the job done. As noted already, you will want a separate resistor for each indicator. That way the dim level dosn't change if more than one light is on at a time.
I've seen these same lights in the panel of another member here, Lycosaurus (Alfio). He's running them on a Perihelion PWM dimmer. Yes, I'm almost certainly going to copy his idea... :)
As a few mentioned, I have been using these for a number of years now, and they really work well - look good, are easy to put int he system, cheap, etc. I HAVE had a couple of them fail however, so when you use them, make sure that you plan for replacement. The first panel I did with them, I put them through individual holes and soldered everything togetehr, figuring they were LED's, and would outlast the airplane. It made it a pain to replace one later. On the latest panel, I used D-sub pins and sockets to connect each LED to the system, so chnaging one will be a piece of cake. You pay so lilttle for the indicators, a couple of pairs of D-Subs shoudl be trivial.
I used D-sub pins and sockets to connect each LED to the system,

I also have used just the male/female D-sub pins with shrink tube for similar things, makes it easy and is light weight and not bulky like a complete D-sub connector is.