
Anyone have pics of their SteinAir wiring harness installed behind their panel? Looking for ideas. Finding plenty of pics of avionics in place but not much with the harness.
Sorry I don't have any installed pictures yet (some assembly required), but here is my starting point:eek:
Thanks! I'm coming up short on pics behind the panel. Lots of pics of people getting their avionics placed.

What I'm trying to figure out is where folks are putting the bulk of their wiring harness; in front of the sub panel in the avionics bay, behind the sub panel, below the panel, etc.
Basically I'm trying to figure out where to install the main core harness to run all of it's various runs/legs to the components.
Van's construction CD

Can't your buy the RV14 construction CD from Van's which would show this. Are the avionic components for the 14 like the 12 where you get it all in a package? I know the one for the 12 shows how the wires are ran through the plane and to the panel components.
I'm installing a prebuilt harness. It's not like the 12 as far as I can tell. I have all the 14 docs, they really don't get into the specifics of the avionics as everybody is doing different things.
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The vast majority of my harness (sorry, no pics) will be on the aft (pilot) side of the sun-panel. That makes for easier routing and access. The only item that will have one end terminated behind the sub panel is the GTN625, because of its depth.

I placed the wiring harness behind the subpanel in the space between the subpanel and the firewall. This is also where I mounted the SDSEFI computer and relays (computer missing in this photo)


Then the connectors come under the subpanel to the front side where the components are mounted. I also mounted my components vertically with 1/4" standoffs to reduce the chance of water damage when opening the canopy.
Okay, thanks guys, starting to get a clear picture. I assumed that routing below the subpanel to the avionics in the front bay wasn't going to be an option. I put my co-builder in the airplane and her knees don't come anywhere near where the wires would wrap under the subpanel, which I thought would be an issue.