
Well Known Member
I just purchases an awesome RV 7 which is full IFR with a 430 Garmin with WAAS. I have around a 6.5 inch wide by 5 inch tall space to install a GPS. I am looking for something with a larger display and was looking for input as to which model will be a good fit. I am looking for something with a larger display. I am not familiar with a 430 but I do have a Garmin 696 in my Aviat Husky which works great. It may be that the 430 is fine I just need to research it. I do not fly IFR just need a good instrument that I can get TFR's on and guidance. Thanks
What can I say? A significant fraction of your purchase price was for that ifr certified gps, which you say you're not interested in. You can pull it, sell it, and, buy a glass moving map with a vfr gps, like a 696, if that's what you want.


If I may offer an alternative, check out any one of the several excellent flying apps that are available for tablets and combine it with a portable ADS-B receiver and you won't even need an XM subscription. Stick it on a kneeboard, a RAM mount, or just leave it on your lap. A few of the bigger names:

ForeFlight (What I use. iOS only)
WingX Pro (iOS and Android, but the Android version is comparatively limited)
Garmin Pilot (iOS and Android)

For hardware, on the iOS side, nearly any available iPad will run the above software. I will say, however, that the iPad Air 2 and the brand new Mini, as well as the new iPad Pro have an antiglare coating that makes the screen far more readable in an RV bubble. I have an Air 2. I find it a bit large for the cockpit and were I to buy another, I'd go with the new Mini.

On the Android side, lots of folks love the Google Nexus 7. There are two models. The newer one has a much better screen and was released in 2013. Here's an Amazon link. It was released in 2013, which means it's getting a bit long in the tooth hardware wise but that also means it is a SCREAMING deal. I don't really follow Android hardware releases very much, so that's about the extent of what I know people have successfully used in the cockpit but I'm certain there are other, great options out there.

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You might consider a touch screen iFly740 which has a much brighter screen than any iPad.

That's a great option, too. I had a 720 before I switched to fore flight. It's got a good interface and the new 740 can connect to ads-b receivers. I decided I didn't want a dedicated GPS but would rather have a multifunction device.
If you think you will work toward an instrument rating, keep the 430W.

If you have no interest or plan on getting an instrument rating then the 430W is an asset you can remove and sell. You can convert that value into something that you will actually use.

With what a 430W is selling for in the current market, you can acquire a very complete large screen navigation and ADSB weather solution.

Ask the often repeated question, "what is your flight mission?"