
Active Member
I just wanted to post my proposed panel and get some feedback by the group. The switches are difficult to read so if anyone wants additional information on what the switch list is I can provide that.



Also, with just one radio, why the audio panel? Slide it under the pilot slide display maybe?

Overall I like it. Funding to upsize to the 10"?
696 move

696 needs to move left to to the radio spot. It will get used much more than radios and you do not need to see radios as much as the 696. (I have 2 in my aircraft panels)
Depth of avionics

Make sure of the space you have behind the avionic components. Those subpanel angle ribs are getting wider so you might not have the space you think you have. Per your drawing it looks like some of the avionics will interfere with the subpanel ribs.

Thanks for all of the replies.

We were initially looking at one 10" screen but decided on two 7". Good suggestion on the compass and depth of the avionics. The mode S is a great option just trying to stay in budget. The audio panel is for future upgrades, additional radios etc. We initially had the 695 next to the Dynon but it looked unbalanced. That was before we had both displays though.

One additional question is; do we need a fuse on the main power supply to the fuse block? Everything is fused from there so I don't know if it is necessary. Any thoughts would be appreciated.

Fuel Pump Switch?


I can't read you switches (as you stated) and I don't know which hand you will use to move the throttle.

But, IMHO, I would place the fuel pump switch in a spot where you are not doing a "Cross-over" maneuver to turn it on and off.

If the throttle is in the center of the panel, place it directly above the throttle. Otherwise ever time you switch it on and off during the "Critical" phase of flight one hand is crossing over the other to turn a switch on.
Another additional question

Does the GMA-240 use the same tray as the GMA-340 audio panel? (future upgrades when we get the 430)

Thanks again for all of the feedback.

Here is what the latest rendition looks like.


Fuel pump

Good thought John. Right now we have a locking switch just to the left of the Flaps, which is just above the throttle.

Looks like you have depth clearance for the avionics behind the panel, but make sure you do. Also make sure that the mounting racks behind the panel will fit since they are typically wider than the display part of the avionics on the front of the panel. Again, looks like this will work, but worth double-checking.

Thanks for all of the replies.

We were initially looking at one 10" screen but decided on two 7". Good suggestion on the compass and depth of the avionics. The mode S is a great option just trying to stay in budget. The audio panel is for future upgrades, additional radios etc. We initially had the 695 next to the Dynon but it looked unbalanced. That was before we had both displays though.

One additional question is; do we need a fuse on the main power supply to the fuse block? Everything is fused from there so I don't know if it is necessary. Any thoughts would be appreciated.


I'd put a 10" on the left and 7" on right side (or two 10")

I have a 7" Skyview on either side of my panel. It is at the top of a list of things to do different next time. The right side display is just out of range to see easily. Move yours over top of the Garmin radios, you will be glad you did. Get everything in front of you that you plan to use, don't worry about looking balanced. If you ever plan on instrument work, you need to change from the SL40 to a SL30. The SL30 plays well with the Skyviews.
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What are you intending to use each of the screens for???

Define the mission first, then design the panel to fit that.

I have never used either a Skyview, or a 696, so I am speaking from a position of ignorance , but here is my dos centavos.

The Skyview has a nice mapping feature, as I recall, and they are working on improving it.

I question the need for the 696??? Removing it will pay for the 10" Skyviews.

As to the layout, place the most used screen directly in front of you, and the next most used screen next to it------considering you can choose what is being displayed on the Skyviews, this will become a configuration issue, not a hardware mounting issue.

As to the radio stack, install full length vertical mounting rails now, cut the opening in the panel now, and install a cover plate there until you actually do the upgrade. Then it will be only a matter of removing the cover plate, positioning the tray, and drilling the mounting holes in the existing rails. A little extra effort now will save time and work later.
The Skyview has a nice mapping feature, as I recall, and they are working on improving it.

I question the need for the 696??? Removing it will pay for the 10" Skyviews.

I own a 696. I don't know if the Skyview will be incorporating XM weather,
flight plans, airport maps, an independent feed to my auto-pilot, airport directories, etc. IMO, in-flight weather ranks high on my list.

L.Adamson --- RV6A
I don't know if the Skyview will be incorporating XM weather

L.Adamson --- RV6A

The Dynon website says they are going to incorporate it.

As I said, I do not own either of these, so you have a better perspective on the issue than I do, I am only throwing out a thought for consideration.

It is a good thing to bounce ideas around here-----group thought has a lot of advantages.
More decisions

Thanks for all of the feedback and suggestions. We don't yet know what we are ultimately going to do. We want to let things incubate for a while. We really appreciate the group thought that gives information and viewpoints that ultimately result in a more well thought out final decision. (not always better, but at least well informed)

I would Imagine Dynon will have a radio on the market very soon as well. Could be a way to free up some of the panel space.

I fly steam gauges so that may show my lack of knowledge of EFIS glass capabilities. As mentioned, how do you expect to use your avionics? I see in the main EFIS all the engine info and no apparent flight info (altitude/speed, etc).

If you intend to have some engine info in front of the pilot, seems like a 10" EFIS makes more sense. The right EFIS seems like overkill.

If you want to entertain the passenger, put a DVD player in.

If you plan on getting a 430, there is some requirement on where the radio is relative to the indicator. I do not recall what it is but you should check that before finalizing the panel in case it is a factor. This assumes that the EFIS has a built in indicator (localizer/glide slope) that is suitable.

I just looked at the Skyview page and in one display they have flight info, engine info and terrain/path info. Assuming that you can have the system alarm if an engine parameter goes out of bounds, why do you need/want two EFISii along with a 696?
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I'd wait about 2 weeks and then make some more decisions! :)

Overall looking good, some decent comments and I'll add to it after all the Snf stuff is over.

Only adding what a RV7 pilot said with the exact setup...

"wish I had gone with the single 10inch instead of the double 7inch"

The right display was really not "viewable" when I flew his 7 from the left seat. Yes you could easily see it, just wasn't really in the "scan".
Good thought John. Right now we have a locking switch just to the left of the Flaps, which is just above the throttle.
I would rather make the entire panel 2" taller and have room to mount the throttle (assuming a push-pull) on the panel, than add one of those "afterthought" panels in the middle with three or four push-pulls on it. That has always looked to me like someone screwed up and forgot to leave space for the controls, and then had to "figure something out" later.

And don't get me started on quadrants in the middle of a side-by-side panel. That's just plain wrong. :p
I'd wait about 2 weeks and then make some more decisions! :)

Is the Dynon radio integration finally happening?
This month's Sport Aviation has an article on Dynon that mentions that this is their worst kept secret.

BTW, I'm thinking of something similar for my 9A panel. Dual Skyviews and now the VP-X. The 10" screens are nice, but they take up all of the room on the panel.

Decisions, decisions!

Hi, you may want to give some thought to powering up your radios and avionics off a fuse block. Stein sells a nice one and not to expensive. It allows one to power up various needs with small amperage fuses's. Radio master gives power to the fuse block. Engine instruments whould need to be on its own source independant of the radio fuse block so instruments will read when you power up the engine but not the radios. He also sells a great locking master switch. I have an independant engine information system so this works.