
Well Known Member
As a future RV-8 builder/pilot i am in the planning stages. I am trying to determine the equipment that I will choose when building my plane. A lot of the focus was around the instruments and avionics that I would use.

This process was greatly simplified when I was reading an article in the eaa magazine that mentioned a website that would allow you to design a panel on line. The site is

With the use of this website I have finally completed my panel design and decided what components to use. It allows you to create a realistic looking panel because you insert color pictures of the actual equipment you plan to use.

Caution; I believe it is for planning purposes only. I?m not sure exactly how accurate the dimensions are. It appears that it will allow you to group the gauges closer than you may be able to in real life.

Future RV-8r
Yeah, Doug's had a link to that site on his homepage for at least fours years. I remember using it back in 2000-2001. Right now the link lives under "Links" on the left side of Doug's homepage. It is definitetly a great tool. I think, but am not positvie, that the dimensions are fairly accurate. My panel was based on what I printed off that site.

Panel Depth

I used it to design my panel. Everything on the panel is accurate, except depth. I had to rearrange several items in my stack to accomodate the depth of my SL30 and SL60.

Good Luck,
Robby Knox
RV-8QB Finishing :)