
Well Known Member
I have been an A&P mechanic for 25 years. I am not a sparky, and I do not pretend to be fluent in avionics os schematic. Not my thing. Working on big boy jets for many years, I like the ‘dark cockpit concept’.

I went to Oshkosh looking for a panel solution that didn’t use lighted switches. I found that Superior Panels offer a back-lit panel. I initially talked with them about sending them my sheetmetal all cut ready to finish with coatings.

I have an autocad guy who has done some odd jobs for me. I was going to have him do the autocad work. I realized that my autocad guy was only going to do what I told him to do and he didn’t know anything about aircraft, aircraft panels, or aircraft avionics. So I decided to deal with Superior Panels and let them guide me through the process. This is where things went sideways.

I gave them my laundry list of avionics and the general layout. I told them what switches I planned on using and gave them the schematic for my vxi wingtip lights so they can help with the switch and circuit breaker solutions.

The owner at Superior Panels took my info and cranked out a cookie cutter panel and sent it attached to an email saying: Carefully examine the drawing checking for special dimensions, names, numbers, spelling, punctuation, and the general layout and format of your project.

I took the design to the guys I trust for avionics advice and they’d point out some of the issues. For example I have an autopilot and a G3X. They asked “where is the TO/GO button”. I dunno, do I need one?

This is where things really went South. I got back with superior panels and laid out that I really needed some guidance and hand holding to get me through the process. They basically said you tell us what you want and we’ll do it. Which essentially makes this guy as useless as my know nothing autocad guy.

So we parted ways leaving me looking for 2 things.

1. intelligent help with panel design, (soon! Like right now) and 2. Does anyone know of a panel supplier who can do panel backlighting?
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Not the greatest pic but feel free to copy (this is an RV10)
And I know, somehow the TOGA label was mistyped as TOGO!

It's well worth taking a look at and using their panel design tool to play around with how you would like your panel, once you have a "look" and "layout" you like then get someone on here to have a look and make suggested tweaks based on experience. I built my RV9A that flew first in Jan 2022 and am now making changes to my panel and I found the tool really useful for playing around with different layouts and eventually getting to where I was happy, the new panel is going to be a very nice improvement on the original Mk 1. I'm more than happy to suggest changes once you have design if that's any help.

Hope that's of use.
It's well worth taking a look at and using their panel design tool to play around with how you would like your panel, once you have a "look" and "layout" you like then get someone on here to have a look and make suggested tweaks based on experience. I built my RV9A that flew first in Jan 2022 and am now making changes to my panel and I found the tool really useful for playing around with different layouts and eventually getting to where I was happy, the new panel is going to be a very nice improvement on the original Mk 1. I'm more than happy to suggest changes once you have design if that's any help.

Hope that's of use.
I used their page for initial setup. The problem is they can’t provide any guidance as to what switches, how many circuit breakers, placement to avoid structure etc etc etc