
Well Known Member
I'm going to start a new thread on this, so we don't hijack the original.

Pete James said:
I would like to see more discussion on this topic. I went to OSH to pick panel compnents. After a quote of $67,000 for my dream panel, I have begun to reconsider. I was originally going with Dual Chelton, AFS 3400 for right chair operations and engine monitoring, plus the normal PS-8000, Garmin 330 for TIS, SL30 for 2nd Nav/Com, etc.

After the sticker shock wore off, I began to look at a Dual AFS 3500/3400, a Garmin 430 for certified IFR, then the 496 for Weather and Traffic. I am also disappointed with the price tag of the add on's required to put weather, etc. on an MX-20 or the Chelton.

I was not aware that a 430 could feed the 496. I will check the Garmin website for details. I also am concerned about the workload. I am also concerned that the screen size of the 496 will be awfully small for weather tracking. If others with a 396 disagree, I'd love to hear your feedback.

In the end, I decided to NOT decide....at least not this minute.


RV-10, playing with fiberglass


It can be done... This panel below is a total of 49K with all the *parts* (kept in a spreadsheet that I have). I'll do the final wiring, test, setup, etc. This includes things like the having the panels laser cut, powdercoated, silkscreened, etc, stick grips, elt, encoder, fan, switches, breakers, etc, even an allocation of $600 for misc hardware, wire. One note, I wanted a panel that I could grow with - allowed for future upgrades to spread the costs out a bit.


Now mind you, I took advantage of some *sales*. I got my Dual Chelton a year ago, before a price change, I got the Autopilot on a Show special with the Chelton, effectively free (so meant a discount in the grand scheme). There is no vacuum on this panel, nor will there be in the airplane. I spaced the steam gauges so that I could replace the AI with a 3" EFIS as some point if I wanted backup there. I'm not going to do TIS (It's being discontinued in my neck of the woods) and I'll wait for ADS-B (which the Chelton already supports - remember, they used it for the Capstone project). I'll add the WAAS Certified GPS module (the Freeflight module) later, for now flying with the 496. (that will be cheaper in the long run, and also can be gotten on a show special). For now, weather will come from the 496. Now it won't be loaded on the Chelton, but I can go there later if I want too.... BTW, I hear XM is in the works for Chelton, but don't know when or how much).

As you can see, with a little creativity, you can spread a few of the costs out. My 49K could actually be trimmed a little if you wanted to start smaller and grow into it. For example, you could not put in the SL-40 to start, just the tray and wiring, add the SL-40 later. You could use one of the TruTrak ADI's with or without the autopilot and lower the cost of the VSGV Digiflight + electric AI. You could use "cheaper" Altitude, AS gauges, mine are Lancair marked and internally lit. You don't have to put in the CO detector to start. There are cheaper, if you like, engine monitors that also interface to the Cheltons. You could go to the Sport version of the AOA. Those hand ful of items could shave as much as 5K-8k, maybe more off that 49K price.

When looking at *turnkey* panels from *vendors*, you are paying probably 30-50% in labor costs. Now mind you, if you aren't comfortable doing the wiring, setup, troubleshooting, etc, that might be worth it. I've done it before and am very comfortable with it.

Anyway, I"m not hear to talk you into a specific brand. What you should do is set down with paper and pencil (or your computer) and jot down your goals. Think about how you will use your panel, what conditions you'll be flying in, what the value is of your cargo (those flying with you). Don't let yourself be talked into this concept of "light IFR"... there is *NO* such thing. It's sorta like being "a little pregnant".

Then take the vendors and start to match features with goals. Do that, and then see where your budget will overlay with those vendors and goals. Most importantly, make sure you go fly behind whatever you get serious about. Don't rely on others for a recommendation, go find a flying airplane with your chosen EFIS system, get with the vendor, whatever and go fly it. Twist the knobs, think about actual usage, in smooth air, in the bumps, etc.

Then, and only then, will you be able to determine the right solution. Hope this helps.
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Spreadsheet breakdown?

Thanks Alan,

I hesitated on the Chelton/TruTrak offer and shouldn't have. In the mean time, I would appricate a copy of your spreadsheet. I have several versions going, but would like to see how yours breaks down.

RV-10, Fiberglass
Clive, IA
RVPilot at MCHSI Dot Com
Talk to Tim Olson


BTW, talk to Tim Olson, he has a 10 with Chelton in it... in fact I think he went 3 screen, but can't remember for sure... He's on this site and posts a bunch in the RV-10 section. He and Vic Syracuse, both have 10's and Chelton.

Pete James said:
Thanks Alan,

I hesitated on the Chelton/TruTrak offer and shouldn't have. In the mean time, I would appricate a copy of your spreadsheet. I have several versions going, but would like to see how yours breaks down.

RV-10, Fiberglass
Clive, IA
RVPilot at MCHSI Dot Com

Sent in private email to you... let me know if you have any questions.