
Well Known Member
Hi Everyone,

After 5 years of work, my wife is graduating from the University of Houston with her PhD in Psychology.

Believe it or not, she asked to have a hangar party to celebrate her graduation.

The date is Dec 19th and I'm going to be out at the airport early smoking briskets and any other animal flesh that is easily within reach.

Since I'm going to be out there early in the morning and I'll have all the tables setup, I don't mind putting together a pancake breakfast for those who are looking for a place to fly into for breakfast.

If you want to come in for the BBQ, that's fine too. Our intentions is to have folks flying in. We've booked the Scooter Brown Band in the afternoon for the BBQ.

If you're interested in flying in, let me know if it's for breakfast or BBQ.

Get up in the air come see us.

Meant to post in the S. Texas forum. Sorry!

Please move.. [Done!]

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Thanks Paul...

By the way, your neighbors on the right will be making the trip. :D
Depends on your perspective


I'm afraid we'll have to miss it. Headed "home" to Paul's family for the holidays. Have fun, though, and congratulations to your wife.
Don't forget about this if you're out flying around tomorrow. We're covered up in food right now. 6 Briskets, Pulled Pork, Pork Loins, burgers.

Just punch D-> 9X1 on your GPS and get into the pattern.

BBQ should be ready around 12:30. Scotter Brown Band starts at 1pm and plays until 5pm. If you haven't heard their music, listen to it here. Just push play.

I'll be at the airport around 6AM getting the briskets on.

Stop by!

Time correction

My wife pointed out that I don't know what's really going on. :D

Food around 1pm.
Band at 2pm.

But I'll still be there early.
It was our pleasure Denne, thanks for coming out to help consume the food!

That's beautiful airplane you've built!

It was our pleasure Denne, thanks for coming out to help consume the food!

That's beautiful airplane you've built!


Ditto on what Phil said! Very good looking airplane!! I was drooling all over that thing!

Phil, Thanks for the party! We need to get planning on "The Camp out at 9X1"!!
You really know how to throw a good party and fly in. I am glad you guys decided to celebrate this way. Thanks!!!! The band was great and the food made me so full I had to use an extra few feet on the take off run. Maybe it is because of your BBQ's that they are extending the runway. :D Nice airport, some good improvements in the last several months.

Congrats again to the wife. This is a good achievement.
Thanks Mike and Stephen.

I'm always up for throwing a party and it doesn't take much to coax me into it. :D

If you want to get another one going, just let me know and we'll get started planning it. I really like the idea of the campout, but I'm not sure what kind of turnout we could get.

Fly-in in the afternoon, dinner that evening, live band that night and a movie projected on the side of the hangar. Surrounded by lawn chairs, sleeping bags, and the smell of popcorn. The next morning - pancakes before departure.

We ended up with 12 airplanes flying in plus a few locals who had their own hangar to keep their planes parked in. If anyone has any photos, post them up. I'll get ours posted in the next day or two. Our camera ended up in the black Challenger that was headed for Pearland. So I probably won't get it back until Monday sometime.

We create it, they will come! There was enough interest from out of the area that they could spread the good word! Think about the camp out in Arkansas, someone had to start it!

Thanks for hosting the party. The food and music was great and congrat's to your wife.

Really wish I could have made your party, I had planned on it, but my pesky flight instructor took me out and beat me up under the hood instead. Met your wife at the EAA 302 party, you must be very, very proud of her. her and you.

Keep bangin those rivets.

Merry Christmas & a Very Happy New Year.
Great day for celebration

Thanks Phil for the invitation and allowing Lynell and I to be a part of Sara's graduation celebration. You guys certainly have it goin' on.

I can still picture two RV-10's parked in that beautiful spacious hanger.;)